Towers Nov 24


Count 2 additional in for the 3:30 @ the turnpike.
86 Silver T-Type
86 Grand National
Diaz Bros
Just got home... We had a great turnout, I think someone stated we had about 19 Buicks show up tonight and it was really nice to see some old faces out there like the WPB guys:wink: :cool:

Gotta work tomorrow morning so I gotta get some sleep, but I will post some pics I took from tonight up tomorrow:smile:


Good show, good cars and good people. It was great to meet you guys. Xavier, we were late to the 3:30 meeting time at the turn pike. Sorry.
great to see some of you guys again.

unfortunately, we got there late and left early. I also did not have time to wash either car before the show.

You guys should have seen the look on your faces when i showed up in my cutlass. You guys looked liked I had just p!ssed in your corn flakes or something. :biggrin: lol... it just needs some TLC...

I forgot to mention before the show that I can get custom embroided polo shirts, baseball hats and seat belt pads with the gn logo on them. I had a bunch with me at the show. shoot me a PM or email if you are interested.

Also, a couple of you guys asked me about the GN articles on cd-rom that I sell. shoot me a PM and I will give you a deal...:cool:
Towers Nov 24th Pictures

Battery issues with the digital camera that night, the images of the few shots taken are hard to see. Hopefully 86Brick had better luck.




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Towers Nov 24th Pictures

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we had family in town and couldnt make it to the meet

when is the next get together, i'd really like to be there
I have to admit it, when I saw that Cutlass, I was thinking to myself, "What the hell is that".
i will be there again, i have never seen so many turbo buicks at once
it was great
hopefully there will be more than one palm beach buick going?
i will post a new thread later about dec 29th