Trans Brake Question

I wouldn't tell Jason Cramer the Stage-Right brake is a time-bomb or inconsistent since he has won TSM at BG what.... 3 or 4 times in a row?
I can be in second with the shifter, and tranny runs normal (starts in 1st, shifts to 2nd a little harder)

Art Carr sells tranny-brakes and strongly suggests many, many other parts. I took his advise and threw'em all in. No problems, knock on wood. Only time will tell.

Your unit does look great. I'm sure it works awsome.
do you have engine braking in manual second while in first gear?i am starting to think that the stage right does have this but i want to be sure.someone please respond with an answer or we cant go any further. :confused:
It can't Chris...

Because if it did the one -two shift valve would have to exhaust lo overun oil which it can't. It would shift to second then be like a tbrake. Look at the VB circuitry. It can't have braking in low after the shifter is pushed to second. It would not work. When a stage right lets go, it releases the lo clutch and hits the sprag..
He is aware

Intercooler said:
I wouldn't tell Jason Cramer the Stage-Right brake is a time-bomb or inconsistent since he has won TSM at BG what.... 3 or 4 times in a row?

We (Jason and I) have talked about this before. He is one of the lucky ones. I agree, he does well with it. But for how long and at what cost when failure does occur?

Last I think I read about his transmission is he still doesn't have anything billet and has only freshened it. Nothing busted in 4-5 years. That's pretty good!

ok so i want a brake. how does the bat brake work. it would be nice if i could go to the staging lights push a button and the tranny is locked per say. i know like a trans brake you put it into first then bump the shifter up into 2nd 3rd or d for it to release. is there one that can be used on a switch. just wondering since my car is a colum shift i think it would be hard to pull out of 1st to relase the brake. let me know

That's what they are talking about. The bat is a tranny brake with a switch hooked up to a solonoid.
I,d say Jason Cramer got his moneys worth out of the stage right , I feel I have also. I don't disagree with the transmission experts on this board, but for now the stage right is what I got , so for time being guess i'll have to live life dangerously and on the edge. :D
chris718 said:
does anyone disagree with the principles of operation thus far?bruce ?anyone?

Sounds Good makes sence :)
Just wish it didnt cost an arm and a leg lol
I may still try the stage right since I am not makin Huge power (maybe 550Hp Maybe) an not planning to push that hard in the lights, and no slicks :)
So we will be gettin with someone for a Tranny Super soon :D Right after I purchase all these damn Xmas gifts :rolleyes:
Thank you to every member who donated thier time and information. Now, I want a trans brake. Can someone list all the supporting member who manufacture an electric solenoid trans brake. And possibly anyone locally to Brooklyn, NY to install it if it is difficult.
Boost231 said:
ok so i want a brake. how does the bat brake work. it would be nice if i could go to the staging lights push a button and the tranny is locked per say. i know like a trans brake you put it into first then bump the shifter up into 2nd 3rd or d for it to release. is there one that can be used on a switch. just wondering since my car is a colum shift i think it would be hard to pull out of 1st to relase the brake. let me know


BUMP I have a colum shift car and would also like to know the answer to this :biggrin: