Transmission Pressure Guage


Sep 3, 2007
Has anyone installed a trans pressure guage permanantly? I picked up a nice SW 0-400 psi guage off ebay and was thinking about mounting it permanantly in my console. Of course I would use a high quality stainless braided hose and would sleeve it where it passes through the sheetmetal. Any thoughts on this?
Do it

I have yet to do so -might try putting it where you can read while driving--pressure drop @ WOT shifts are something to watch. My friend has a Bonnieville Salt flat car that he has one @ the knee knocker position.
Could you post a pic of the gage? Size?
A GREAT IDEA!!!!! I always rccommend it.

Has anyone installed a trans pressure guage permanantly? I picked up a nice SW 0-400 psi guage off ebay and was thinking about mounting it permanantly in my console. Of course I would use a high quality stainless braided hose and would sleeve it where it passes through the sheetmetal. Any thoughts on this?

You are very smart for doing this. It tells the tale, thats for sure. We offer a test gauge kit as well as a in car kit. here are the links:
1 way to go: Product Information

another way to go: Product Information

Then the ULTIMATE SET UP: Product Information

Hope this has been some assistance to you.
Performance Transmission Services