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Troubleshooting early SMC alcohol injection kit


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my car had the same problem it sat for a while then i could not get the pump to activate. I hooked the pump up to a battery and it started spraying. It is back on my car and works great.:biggrin:
HaHa! Thanks man! That is the exact bottle I have!

I think its the 1/2 gallon bottle. I was thinking that the bottle had hole already in it to mount the power and the line. But I went ant looked at mine and it looks like SMC must of drilled the holes in the bottle themselves.

Thanks again man! $16! Not bad at all!

I looked at the fuel pumps at work (I work at advance auto) I think I can get a bosch pump for a dodge for like $60. So as long as I can drill the holes and transfer the parts from the old bottle, thats not too bad of a price to fix it I guess.
No it isn't, should be a relatively easy fix. :smile:

Make sure you vent it slightly somehow, I believe the lab. bottles are completely sealed, check the specs. to be sure. :)

Here's some wirenuts that have been in my old round bottle with a Walbro GSS242 pump for over 3 years, obviously with no business being there. :p

Ethanol and Klotz lube exposure, as promised, I think the blue ones are made out of something special, just like the Shurflo pump head. ;)

So I went to buy the pump today and for some reason the pump is more now. Im not sure what I looked at before. The new price was $100.

So I was trying to find another pump that was the same size that was cheeper. Then I came accross this Bosch pump we stock about 20 of because its a popular pump we sell I guess. This thing is for the like '90's GM V8's. So its gotta be a decently high flowing pump.
Price - $55 and a lifetime warranty!
It has a slightly different plugin but even comes with 3 pigtails to make it even easier!
I went ahead and bought a strainer for it since SMC didnt normally use one, that was like $6 for a round one that will fit nicely.

So the bottle was $25 shipped and the pump was like $55. So $80 to fix it and now the pump is probably better and has a lifetime warranty!

I havent put it all together, but its all apart. (we had to cut the old bottle in 3 pieces to get the pump out because the fittings were seized together)

Ill post the final product when I'm done.
I installed that bosch fuel pump in the bottle that was practically idencital to the one that SMC used, and just from sitting in alcohol for about 3 weeks, the pump looks like it may have a little bit of corossion forming on it, but it is hard to see for sure since its in the bottle.

I called Bosch and the tech said that none of their pumps are alcohol compatible.....
So now im wondering what kind of pump can I use then??? Just stick with this pump and replace it every couple years?

I was going to just try and sell it.....but I dont want to sell someone a pump that may not last.......

Any input?