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Tuning the Alkycontrol kit


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Volt Booster issues

Ran into an issue using the Volt Booster on the car. What was happening was at 10 PSI when the volt booster kicked on, it also raised the drive to the alky pump. The results was the AFR dropped into the low 9's for AFR then started to auto correct itself. Cuasing spiking in the AFR readings of the Wide band.

Eliminating the volt booster, cuased the car to pickup .2 and make a much cleaner run with the alky kit.

Also watch how much alky is sprayed at WOT, too much can have an affect on the turbo's ability to make boost.. cuasing a MPH loss as well.

More to follow. As it becomes available. Hope this tid-bit helps.

OK. Let's get something straight first. I am an engine machinist, not a transmission or computer guy.
With a Hydraulic valve body, adding timing, say in 1st gear, how does the computer know what gear the car is in? Is there something in the valvebody that tells the computer? Or are you talking about a non stock/chipped computer?
I was not aware!
I am now educated!
My tranny installer told me that the computer would only know if it had an electric/computer driven valve body. Where should I look? I wonder if he didn't plug it in? The TV cable wasn't adjusted properly either. Full throttle shifts with a built ( not by him thank goodness) trans occurred at 2800 rpm. When that occurred, I drove back to my shop at low speed/power til I took care of that.
Ok Timm the chip did use the switch and just on or off switch it dose not shift the gears just tells the ECU its in that gear.
New updated info for you, seance about 2015 TT quit using the switch in trans to tell the ECU the gear. all is calculated off MPH.
( the switches were prone to fell) So all the gear fueling is MPH and I believe it 1 and 2 timing and fueling and 3-4 timing and fuel