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Turbo Buick Meet at Dooley's in Roseville, MI


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Apr 14, 2002
Hi All

The Michigan Turbo Buick Club would like to put out the invite to all the Turbo Buick owner's/lover's in the area to meet this Sunday, June 13th at Dooley's on Gratiot in Roseville. I believe the show starts either 3 or 4 PM, there is nothing wrong with getting there early! Dooley's serves both food and drink, register for the show and get a discount on your meal, who knows you might even win a door prize. Of course this is all based on the weather, which is at the moment questionable! So if it looks like it's going to be a nice day and you don't have any other plans, come on out, show off your turbo car and have a good time! Hope to see you there! Dooley's is located on Gratiot, between 13 & 14 Mile Rd, in Roseville. If Sunday is a rain out, we'll shoot for the following Sunday. :D
I will try to make it. Right now turbo is out of car needing a little work. Hopefully I can get it back toghether on Saturday and be there Sunday.
Just watched the 11:00 PM weather forecast, they are calling for scattered thunderstorms on Sunday. I ask everyone to please use your best judgment! If it looks bad, keep your turbo car in the garage! Our get together won't be any fun if were watching it rain sideways on our cars or worse yet, hailing on them! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for good weather and a good turn out just the same! :biggrin:
Sunday Meet

:)I will try to make it. Sounds like fun. Hope the weather holds out. Lets try and get all the Buicks there we can. Hope to see everyone. Russ
Fillin Station Cruise In

There is also a FREE Cruise In at the "Fillin Station" at 22mile and Gratiot that runs from 4 till 9. I am planning on going to that so both are do-able. Anyone interested in doing both or maybe doing a mini cruise between them. More info at: Index

Strike that last post

Boy!!! Did I screw up!!!! The "Fillin Station" Cruise In is SATURDAY not Sunday. My APPOLIGIES. Sunday sounds like fun though.
I am going to try to do BOTH shows anyway. Sorry for the wrong info:frown:

There is also a FREE Cruise In at the "Fillin Station" at 22mile and Gratiot that runs from 4 till 9. I am planning on going to that so both are do-able. Anyone interested in doing both or maybe doing a mini cruise between them. More info at: Index


Hi Russ

Sounds good! The flyer shows the Filling Station Cruise is on Saturday, from 4 to 9. I'll see what I can do to make it. Maybe we can get a small gathering of turbo cars there as well. :cool:

Well tonight there was four Turbo Buicks at Dooley's. Even though we were small in numbers, it was a great time being parked together, shooting the breeze and watching the attention our cars got. I know the overcast may have kept some people away, it almost did me.

I know I suggested if the weather became a factor we would try again the following Sunday. With next Sunday being Father's Day, I don't know what everyone's schedule looks like. We can still try to have a get together, or if someone else has a suggestion of maybe another date or location, by all means, please post your idea! I have to work next Sunday, after I get off, I plan to take a ride to Dooley's. If the weathers good and a few of you make it up there, save me a spot! :cool: