Turbo lou


That's Lou's way of encouraging you guys to get faster motors by pitting one sheep against another one. I hear he is secretly looking for 3rd to keep the competition going.

Hey, Gary.

Isn't it time to get rid of that little TA-49 and stock heads? I'd hate to hear about you getting lined up with one of these young guns, at a stop light and getting sand kicked in your face. :eek::D

Lou should be able to fix you right up.;)

Mike B.
Gary is quite broke. Gary needs new alternator, as the current one, even though it is brand new, sounds like a Chinese fire drill. Does any well known, reputable, manufacture make brand new alternators for these cars?

hey, gary.

Isn't it time to get rid of that little ta-49 and stock heads? I'd hate to hear about you getting lined up with one of these young guns, at a stop light and getting sand kicked in your face. :eek::d

lou should be able to fix you right up.;)

mike b.

i don't think gary well ever abuse his car like that.

gary is quite broke. Gary needs new alternator, as the current one, even though it is brand new, sounds like a chinese fire drill. Does any well known, reputable, manufacture make brand new alternators for these cars?

check with miggy he has a spot.

Gary is quite broke. Gary needs new alternator, as the current one, even though it is brand new, sounds like a Chinese fire drill. Does any well known, reputable, manufacture make brand new alternators for these cars?
Gary are you sure it isn't the belt tensioner making a rattling noise. Typically an alternator will not make noise as opposed to it just stop charging.
Gary are you sure it isn't the belt tensioner making a rattling noise. Typically an alternator will not make noise as opposed to it just stop charging.

I appreciate your insight, Lou, and this could be the belt tensioner, but this would be the second Hi-amp alternator that I bought from the other forum store that is noisy. The first one, several years back, had the bearings front or rear bearings go out after about 3K or 4K miles. The one that I have now came from the other forum store also, and seems to be noisier than it should be at start-up. Noise diminishes after warming up, but does not go away entirely. From my experience, even the genuine GM factory rebuilds do not last like the originals.
One of these days that I have it out, I will bring it by and you can diagnose it.
I just rotated the cars and it is parked last and inaccessible without shifting the cars around.

One of these days that I have it out, I will bring it by and you can diagnose it.
I just rotated the cars and it is parked last and inaccessible without shifting the cars around.
I might have an original one stashed away if you would like to try it. Although it's used, once you get past the used part it's probably good.
I am honestly happy to have all this company that Lou is releasing onto the streets.
It's been lonely being the only guy who drives his GN daily racking up the kills.:biggrin:

Flaco has San Diego under control and I've been stomping South OC into the asphalt....I need some support here...I welcome the fresh Papa Lou minions.

We gotta get Mikalanjavin (I actually spelled that right without looking) into a Turbo Buick so we have a true Triad of power going here in South OC...
All these rich Bifs in their Euro cars need to be schooled!

I'm afraid I'll need a new transmission before I go for that short block upgrade...
Mine is starting to show signs of wear and tear...
I might have an original one stashed away if you would like to try it. Although it's used, once you get past the used part it's probably good.

That's OK, Lou, and thanks, but I still have my original in (AFAIK) good working order. It's just a bummer that out of 2 hi-amp alternators that I purchased form the other forum's on-line store, which both (AFAIK) were made by the company that was owned by the other forum's previous owner 1 went out in about 4K miles max and the other one sounds like it is on it's way out. On the first one, Mike Savino did offer to send me the bearings for replacement if I wanted. I did have the alternator about a year before I stacked up the approximate 4K miles on the alternator, but still, bearings should go longer than 4k miles.
I am honestly happy to have all this company that Lou is releasing onto the streets.
It's been lonely being the only guy who drives his GN daily racking up the kills.:biggrin:

Flaco has San Diego under control and I've been stomping South OC into the asphalt....I need some support here...I welcome the fresh Papa Lou minions.

We gotta get Mikalanjavin (I actually spelled that right without looking) into a Turbo Buick so we have a true Triad of power going here in South OC...
All these rich Bifs in their Euro cars need to be schooled!

I'm afraid I'll need a new transmission before I go for that short block upgrade...
Mine is starting to show signs of wear and tear...

Bummer on the transmission.. you do have like what 30k hard miles... I've only put 5k on the engine and tranny I will hit a year this April.
Bummer on the transmission.. you do have like what 30k hard miles... I've only put 5k on the engine and tranny I will hit a year this April.


Lou's tranny guy does good work.

This tranny was built for a 12 second daily driver...cuz that's what I had at the time...:biggrin:
With over 30K miles on it under what could be described as brutal conditions, it has held up well.

I'll be going for a build that can withstand 700-750HP and no lock-up. Not that I plan on making that kind of power, but it will definitely be seeing heavy use.;)
Good rebuilt alternators are few and far between. When my son worked in the auto parts store over 10 years ago they would order 5 and from just a bench spin send 3 of them back. :mad:
Poor quality parts is why most of the mom and pop auto parts stores are gone, just too many returns. :frown:

I put the summit ice berg kit on my 5.7 van and it's held up longer than the original. :smile: knock on wood.