Turbo Rebuild (fc227)


1986 Grand National
May 28, 2001
Hello all;

Well I have to rebuild the turbo. On the the way to the track yesterday climbinng a big hill on I-90 in west MA. the oil presure dropped from 60 # to 49 # , but the engine water temp stayed at 160 ° . and it blew , blue smoke out the exhaust when I backed off the gas. So I pulled over , checked the oil level it was fine , no loss.

Now I turned around and headed home . The trip home was mostly down hill . No oil presure drop, But when I did get home 150 miles it used 1/2 quart of oil. (So it is using oil on high vacuum).

The engine sounds fine , So I pulled the turbo off. Compresser wheel had about 1/8" of play. the exhaust side had about the same. the compressor housing had oil in it.

Pulled the exhaust and intake sides off, removed the nut and pulled the wheels . You can see oil streaks on the back side of the compressor wheel , where oil was getting by the seal. But the exhaust side there was allot of coking where oil was getting by the exhaust seal ring .

Goods news the wheels did not contact the housings , but the compressor wheel has some nicks.

I have a set of new bearings , since both wheels are balnce seperate. Or I might just send it out.

The carbon face seal is built in to the housing and doesn't press in like the other T-3 turbo.

I'm going to try and post pictures today , the differances between this beast and a stocker.
Hello Fred,
We can no longer attch pics :( , it was eating up to much space on the server.
You will have to load them to your web site and paste a short cut to them.
Sorry to hear about your Turbo, But the good news is that if it would have happened at the track when you launched it would have been VERY bad.
Would love to see pics of your turbo.

And on a side ? What did you pay to have your heads ported?
Porting the heads was around $500.00 , I can give you the gentlemans name if you are interested.

I will be attaching the pictures to my web site tonight , and put a link to them.

Even I was amazed at the size differance between the stocker & mine modified one.
Originally posted by fc227
Porting the heads was around $500.00 , I can give you the gentlemans name if you are interested.
Thanks Fred, when I get closer to that I'll shout you a email.
I'm looking for a BRF trans right now, have a line on 3 or 4 to get rebuilt. Then I'll start looking for a set of heads to do the same.

I'll try to reload the page tonight , I'm getting the same thing here at work , But it worked on my home computer.
Originally posted by fc227

I'll try to reload the page tonight , I'm getting the same thing here at work , But it worked on my home computer.

Gee your real fast buddy.:cool:
Originally posted by fc227

I'll try to reload the page tonight , I'm getting the same thing here at work , But it worked on my home computer.
Same here, What I have found so far when building pages is that just because you can see it on your computer before you load isn't always what you see after loading. Acouple of my thumbnail pics are not load on my site. What I have found is that I didn't type the image right. (TH-imagename.jpg, should have been TH-imagename.JPG) I do not know why, maybe the way I saved the pic when editing. Look at the details of the image and see if it's in caps.
Well , I don't know why , but the Jpg files I have will load up, but will not show the picture.

I tryed cap's , no cap's , Maybe tonight I'll try Bit map files, maybe they display.

I upload has a JPG , but when I go to the image the properities tells me its a GIF file .

Are you using a FTP program to transfer the files or are you use a drag and drop method. If are using drag & drop did the items one at a time.
One at a time , I should try my FTP upload. I confused because I uploaded other pages this way and they worked.

After upload , and I go back to check the properties of the picture , it's calling it a "gif" file , but it shows the *.jpg file extention.

stupid computers only do extactlly what you tell them to do. :)
LOL, Yes Fred they only did what they are told :)
Even thou I draged & droped my files, I have found that the FTP works the best. On larger files I have problems with D & D, but with FTP the files load good.
What program are you using to build the page..wait let me guess first.....Front page.
Front page , I also tryed netscape composer , but I keep getting a error meassge for the netscape when I tryed to upload.

I going to find my FTP address and upload it that why.
What a diffrence on the 2, I did think that where would be that much of a diffrence. So hogging out the Turbo does look like a very cost affective mod.
Thanks for sharing.
Well I heard from turbonectics today.

The housing (center section/cast iron part) is bad , bearing area worn out , bearing(s) shot. there going to give me a new center section housing. , bearings, seals , and balance it.

They can reuse the wheels , thats good. there also going to use the "gappless piston ring" on the exhaust side.

I should have it by the end of next week.

just in time for the first points race.
Hey Fred! Sorry about your turbo troubles! I'm waiting on a new 8" converter from A-1, while the new TCI TH350 sits in my living room. I'm done farting around, trying to do all this cheaply...Dad changed his oil and 3 year old plugs, so he's ready to go. Hopefully, we'll see you in a couple weeks! GB