I've been working on a friends Limited the last week or so and finally got it to run pretty good, SOTP. No track visit yet, perhaps in a couple weeks.
Anyway, I noticed with the Direct Scan that at the top of Third, just about where the 1/4 mile line is, it'll get a couple degrees knock retard. And if I run it out the back door, as it were, the retard will go nuts up to 15-16 degrees. The the car will do 23psi, the wideband says 11.3-4, T-pro says MAT's are peaking about 130, the chip is set for 19/16.5 degrees and alchohol injection is in use. The turbo is not known for sure, but is a TA type. The intercooler is a stretched stock mount.
I was curious about the high speed knock retard, since I haven't seen that before, and wondered if anyone here had any info they'd share. Thanks
Anyway, I noticed with the Direct Scan that at the top of Third, just about where the 1/4 mile line is, it'll get a couple degrees knock retard. And if I run it out the back door, as it were, the retard will go nuts up to 15-16 degrees. The the car will do 23psi, the wideband says 11.3-4, T-pro says MAT's are peaking about 130, the chip is set for 19/16.5 degrees and alchohol injection is in use. The turbo is not known for sure, but is a TA type. The intercooler is a stretched stock mount.
I was curious about the high speed knock retard, since I haven't seen that before, and wondered if anyone here had any info they'd share. Thanks