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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
Has anyone heard from Lisa?? I searched her website and it is no longer up. I hope all is well with her and the family. I always enjoyed her products :cool:
Same here, I went on to view new designs and the website is down.
All is good Lisa just started a new job and has been working maga hours I am sure she will have her site back up after the new job slows down !
All is good Lisa just started a new job and has been working maga hours I am sure she will have her site back up after the new job slows down !

Thanks for the update and all the best to Lisa and the family. Hope the new job goes good but we also need some Turbo regal clothes ;)
Thumbs up for Lisa's hoodies top notch......send me a message if u read this Lisa need to order more.....greg