Two kills today.


Fiberglass bumper filler dude. (949) 433-1257
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Munched on some very tasty Mopars today.
First one: 8:15 AM. Me and a buddy had just left an early morning car show in Huntington Beach. We were cruising the Coast Highway back to my house, when I spotted a bright yellow Dodge Viper coming up through traffic in my rear veiw mirror. This definitely had my interest, so I switched to a slower lane to let him catch up. As he got up next to me, he gunned it and launched past me real quick. Since we were in 35 mph bumper to bumper traffic, all this automotive foreplay only told me, was that snake might soon be on the breakfast menu.;) I let him slide in front of me, as he agressively gunned his car again to take the spot. I followed behind him for about two miles until we hit a fresh red light, with a one mile open road ahead.

Now, let me first tell you guys what I've learned about the Viper guys that I've met. They almost never race, unless they are absolutely positive that they've got the other guy covered like a wet blanket. Their fragile egos couldn't handle the devastation of having their asses handed to them by anything less then a Bugatti Veyron on NOS.

Back to the red light.
The left lane had an old red Porsche 944, followed by the Viper, then my GN. The right lane had a big moving truck that was overloaded to the point that I was humming the Beverly Hillbillies song in my head. So I say to my friend, "Perfect! When the 944 pulls ahead of that slow ass truck, this will open up a lane to run in". Sure enuogh, when the light went green, the 944 took off at a very quick pace, I was ready to go as soon as we started to roll. However, the viper just stayed even with the front bumper of the truck. keeping me from getting through. I guess this was his way of making sure that he wouldn't have to run me from a dig, and would start the race at a higher MPH, that would favor his stick shift car. :rolleyes: Once I saw that I couldn't get through the gap, I dropped back about fifty feet or so. At about 45 mph, I hear the Viper go WOT and rocket around the big truck in the right lane. I immediately throw 25 lbs of boost (and over 500 HP:D) to the MT drag radials. They squeal for a second or two, then hook hard. I'm now coming at the ass end of this snake like a missile on a mission. By the time he gets that ten banger up to about 70 mph, I'm ready to blow past him going 20 mph faster. He was now about to pass the red 944 that left him at the light. Problem was, that if he did that, we'd have a mile of open road to where it was now obvious that me and my buddy would be quickly feasting on snake meat. I had to brake as he slowed to even with the 944, so that once again, I could not pass.:mad: Now, this same guy that was driving agressively in heavy traffic just a few minutes ago, was driving like a little old lady for the rest of the wide open mile. Just looking streight ahead...

Gota love it.:rolleyes: I don't really call this an official kill, but I am pretty sure that somewhere out there is a bright yellow Dodge Viper convertable that may never again see more than half throttle...

Will post the other Mopar kill tomorrow. Time for bed now.

Mike B.

Nice going, at least someone is taking up the void left by that useless disgraceful mean chicken.The streets in orange county have been overrun ever since he retired the Buick.
Nice going, at least someone is taking up the void left by that useless disgraceful mean chicken.The streets in orange county have been overrun ever since he retired the Buick.

Are you sure that it was Tim and not his boss (wife) that retired the Buick.
Are you sure that it was Tim and not his boss (wife) that retired the Buick.

Are you implying that the demise of the Chicken Coup might have been an inside job? I hate to even think of the ramifications of finding out that the cornerstone of the Turbo Buick community was brought down by a member of his own family. News of this would rock the Turbo Buick world to the core. Or, at least give it some really stinky gas for the day.:eek::D

Mike B.
Are you implying that the demise of the Chicken Coup might have been an inside job? I hate to even think of the ramifications of finding out that the cornerstone of the Turbo Buick community was brought down by a member of his own family. News of this would rock the Turbo Buick world to the core. Or, at least give it some really stinky gas for the day.:eek::D

Mike B.

Enough talk! Lets hear the other story :D.

There's something to be said for living in wedded bliss.... ;)

I'm actually working on getting my Camaro running again...then I'll probably sell the bugger and use some of the cash to get the GN back in action.

I swapped the bent axle out yesterday and installed the new rotor. Also started yanking the slapper bars off before I ran out of time. Once I finish all that, I need to rebuild the carb, flush the cooling system (been sitting unattended for 2 years) and the fire her up. I still need to buy some new tires and wheels (probably going with some 17" rally's from Wheel Vntinques)...and finally... I need to burn off that 2 year old fuel too, and then I'll work on tuning it up and getting it ready for sale.
Kill #2

My neighbor Jed and I had just flown back from an air show in his two seater, 1946 Globe Swift airplane (Fun little plane). After pulling the GN out of his hangar and rolling the plane back in, we headed home. As we were cruising the side streets back to the freeway, we drove passed a newish orange Hemi Challenger RT pulling out of a driveway on our right. The guy gave us a thumbs up and a smile as we passed, and pulled out behind us. At one point, he was behind me at a red light, and must have taken a good look at the back of my car.


So, you can't say the guy wasn't warned. He must have read the warning label.:eek::D

We both stopped at the red light to make the right turn on to the freeway onramp. This ramp was a long (1/8th mi.) steep uphill, two lane road, that merged into one lane at the top. As I slowly make the right turn into the right lane, he slides into the left lane but stays back a bit. I didn't have to wait long before he made a run at me. I could here the hemi coming as he was about to blow past me. His rear bumper actually got almost to my front bumper as I was spinning the tires. Once my MT drag radials hooked, it looked as if he threw the thing in reverse. By the top of the ramp, I was breaking to slow down, and over a dozen car lenghts ahead. Once on the freeway, he got along side. He was just shaking his head from left to right, while laughing his ass off. He once again gave a big thumbs up. Jed and I each smilled and returned the thumbs up. We paced each other for a few miles untill he turned off. Each of us giving one last thumbs up. He was a cool guy, with a very nice ride, that I'd be proud to own.

It was just a bit unfortunate for him, that he showed up to a ten second gun fight, with a thirteen second butter knife.:biggrin:

Happy spooling.

Mike B.

Mike even you are hunting in the chickens backyard violating his territory that he carved out. Soon he will be only a memory. A brief moment in Buick history. He had his 15 min. of fame now you must carry the torch.
Mike even you are hunting in the chickens backyard violating his territory that he carved out. Soon he will be only a memory. A brief moment in Buick history. He had his 15 min. of fame now you must carry the torch.

Would carrying this torch, have to enclude racing antique motor bikes and stalking little old ladys in Lincoln Town Cars? Or could I stick with Vipers, Hemi Challengers, and the likes?

Mike B.

Would carrying this torch, have to include his racing antique motor bikes and stalking little old ladys in Lincoln Town Cars? Or could I stick with Vipers, Hemi Challengers, and the likes?

Mike B.
Don't forget the gardener in his Toyota P/U either.
You guys are funny!!! Thanks for the laugh!

Mike B.
Great job and GREAT write-up!
It was just a bit unfortunate for him, that he showed up to a ten second gun fight, with a thirteen second butter knife.:biggrin:

Happy spooling.

Mike B.

HA! Mind if I borrow that?:biggrin: