TY Park


John 15:17
Nov 12, 2001
OK, Sunday March 31st is the date for our picnic at TY park in hollywood. Tony is working on a website that has a link for the directions.

Bring $10 to one of our next two meets at Towers (Feb 22 and March 29). $5 will go towards the Pavillion, and $5 will go towards the food. I will get the Pavillion and Tony will do the food.

Reply back or send me an email.
I'm in! Let me know if you need any graphics for the web page. Me have mad skills. In other words, I'm a graphic artist.
thanks brad. I was gonna volunteer you to Tony, but I thought I would wait to see if you would volunteer first.

I did create a html page with our schedule of events, but it is really low-tech.

I will send you his email.
I just rememberred that the Impala guys got the dent doctor to do their picinic and they got a good deal on a group dent removal.

The guy I was referred to is supposed to be good and he won't hack your car up.

I will give him a call and see what is up with that.

Anyone interested?
Count me in, im going to inquire about prices for a dyno day at this place ill be at this weekend also for future reference.

Tree Sap Doctor Wanted!!

Ferget the damn dings. I need to get the HARDENED TREE SAP of my friggin car. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

I have tried everything so ask this dent dude if he has any recommendations.

Ok, so like I said I am in on this picnic thing. I say FOOOODDDD!!! NEED FOOOOOODDDD!!!! and BEEEERRRR, Gotta have BEEEEERRRR!!!!!

So, in light of the above (Evil twin got out there for a moment) I am offering to COOK so yep, I will flip da burgers and franks. Now, I also have offerred to organize this food thing. So, here is my idea. I am opening the FOOD POT, and starting it with 20$ I think that those that wish to contribute can either do so by adding to the pot or bringing something. I have a preliminary list started so I can tell Y'all what we need. You guyz can email me with how you want to help or post here. Lets make this thing REALLY ROCK!! IF the IMPALA's can do it so can we.

The Website thing, OK, here is the skinny. I am starting a WEBSERVER and as my first project I am offerring to HOST the site for us GN guys. Also, I will get the DOMAIN NAME. Now, I SUK at drawing and stuff so I will take you up on that offer for "mad graphics" as you so eloquently put it. I think Shawn is going to start a poll on the suggested domain name. I feel that since this will be our site that we all should have the input on how it goes. Here are my two favorites GNASTY.ORG and FART.ORg (Florida Area Regal Team). Hey we gotta have some humor ya' know. So 'nuff said think I made my point the website should be up by SUN. Will keep y'all informed. You guz if you have anyquestions jest email me. Or post here. Lets get this thing going.

Regarding the park and the food, I think if we collect $10 from each person at the next two meets, that should cover it. $5 for the pavillion and $5 for food.

Regarding your tree sap, I have some 3M finnesse it II finishing compound and a buffer. I guess if you are going to host the web site, AND register the domain name, it is the least I can do for you.

Regarding the web pages, Brad is a graphic artist and he does web sites for a living. He has volunteered to do the pages. I think we should use "http://www.geocities.com/centralfloridabuick/" as a guideline. I have also asked george (the man in charge of it) to let us know how he did his mailing list.

Regarding the domain name, I am really partial to "turbobuickclub.org". I just checked it out, and it is available.

I will start a new thread and we can start voting on it.

I agree, I think that is a VERY GOOD IDEA!!!

Also, though DONATIONS, in the way of FOOD are always gladly accepted. The more food and drinks the better. Shawn have you been to TY?? We should try and get a pavilion near the kids play ground so they have something to do as I am sure they are gonna need something to occupy them.. I will go with you to the park if you want to check it out.

I saw the thread on the webiste. I agree that we should get Brad to help, but also check out my partners stuff he has one SEVERAL web awards for his sites. You can go to "www.wsdiweb.com" He does the sites for MARTINS OFFSHORE and TEAM VIRGIN racing. He offerred to help as well. I saw the website you mentioned, I like it but I think we should do more with our idea have you seen the sight for the Buick Grand National Racing Associantion "www.bgnra.org" also check out the Turbo Regal Website "www.gnttype.org." Using all of this I feel we got the beginnings or a kewl thing here. We need to use ALL of our resources so stay in touch with the guy up north. So, lemme know what you think.

TREE SAP, AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Hey, I have tried everything, I saw Rick today I have to do some computer stuff for him and he said the same thing you did about the 3M stuff. I just have never used a buffer before. If you know what you are doing I am all for it. I have broken down and have come to the conclusion the guy I bought the car form is an utter IDIOT!!! So, I have accepted the fact that there may be no hope. But if you think you can get the stuff off then hey give it a go. Thanks Shawn!!!

Gonna fly now so you all check out the threads on the WEBSITE and stuff. This will only be as good as we make it!!!!

I know all about TY. I grew up in Hollywood and my wife is a stay at home mom, so she goes to the park a lot. I know of a great pavillion where we can all park our cars and their is a great playground right next to it. I will try to reserve it ASAP becuase the time is getting short and you guys can pay me back at the next towers meet (Feb 22).

We can talk about it at La Carreta Thursday.
Don't forget to bring $10 to the next club meet at towers on the 22nd. The money is for the pavillion and the food.

I can't get the pavillion until I get the money...
A Message From Vinnie!!

Yeah, like yo, this heres Vinnie Boomats. Cousin of this Redneck kid Tony. So, like ah, I gots to tell you all that you should be gettin' that dough to Shawn right. Cause like I would hate to be informed that there is debts owed, I mean like that would be such a shame right.. I would hate to have to come over there with my boy Gino Shtougatz and have a little conversation with youse guys huh.. I mean like they dont call us the "Head Bangers" for nuttin. So like just pay the fee and life is good.

Oh yeah, one last thing for youse guyz, thinkin' bout wussin out on the TY park thing.... Well don't!! Capiche?? Just get there so we all have an understanding right?? I gotta go, heard that someones not going to Morosso on the 15th.. Tsk Tsk Tsk..


Yeah like lots dude... But hey, I think I got like a half a brain cell left man... At least I am going on Friday buddy, So, like yeah thats all ya know.. Later dude.. Hey Bra, I got my letters on t'day they're cool man..
