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Update on engine rebuild


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USAF Retired
May 24, 2001
Well 3 months into the project :mad: and I have all the pieces expect for my mufflers.
You thought that I was pissed when I found out that I didn't have the orginal should have heard me when Comp cams said that they haven't even done the grind on my cam on the 14th of Aug. They said the cam was ordered on 9 July...ok so what's a week.....But give me a break....39 days to get my cam done (done on 16 Aug) When they had said they it had been shipped on several times before....then it hadn't been done....oh wait it's been sitting on the shelf for 2 weeks waiting on lifters....
on..and....on....Cam arrived today....THEY WILL NOT GET ANOTHER DIME FROM ME...still wating for the manager to call me back.

OK my knickers are in a twist

The engine is getting put back together, heads are going in. I've changed my exhuast again, Dana found a 2.5" madrel bent dual exh w/out mufflers. I ordered DynoMax race bullets for it, will be in wednesday. Have the down pipe cut before the bend and having they weld a mandrel bend curve into the test pipe. High flow oil pump..and I'll add the oil guage when I get it home.

I posted some pics while back of the heads and pistons loaded with crap under the test & tune page, if you haved looked and want to see what happens when your valve seals give out take a look :) Still need to fix a few links and more updates, but it's coming along....just like my car
Crap....forgot to give you the cam specs......
Grind #260H it's a mid range cam 1400-5400rpm's
Alittle differnt than Fred's.

duration valve lift lobe sep
in. ex./ @ .050 in. ex. in. ex.
260 260 212 212 .454 .454 110deg

OK I'm not sure but I think that this means that I have a 212 dur... it's been toooo long since I looked at this stuff.
Yep, that cam is one step above mine. Mine is a 252 cam (206 duration).

Are you going with a bigger turbo?
I'm not going with a bigger turbo this year, if I did I would need to change the TC stall. My wife put me on a budget to get my car back on the road, I only get to spend money made from company trips...need more trips.

I think that Alky/cold air will be my next mod, first I want to get some passes on this comb for a bench mark before adding more.
Originally posted by Ttype83
first I want to get some passes on this comb for a bench mark before adding more.

That answers my question. I want to know what you combo runs. :)

I'd love to do a downpipe, but I'm not sure what's involved in getting it out and back in, and what's the odds that a shop can bend one that will fit right? I have a gutted cat, but I need to extract a couple of broken bolts out of it first.
I know I don't have much to say on this thread.....but can you fellas tell me what the heck is a 'gutted cat'?:confused:
Thats when the convertor is hollowed out , or nothing is in it and it act like a straight pipe, just the outer shell is there.
That's interesting.....:rolleyes:.... what are the benefits?
Would'nt it be more prudent to just get rid of the Cat and replace it with a straight pipe? :confused:
Well, It looks like you still have the cat on so the emission people are happy.
A gutted cat is free. :) Plus on some years, it has flanges at each end so it can be bolted and unbolted easily.
Originally posted by fc227
Well, It looks like you still have the cat on so the emission people are happy.

:D Not really more emissions here in the southern half of the sunshine state. Since my car burns pretty clean, I wonder if I really need a Cat anymore. I've long ago replaced it with an after-market 'Catgo'. I don't know how long these things are good for.

If someone could school me......:confused:....what exactly does the cat do for the car? Is it just for emissions? Does it convert the exhaust gases into something more desireable. Because if that's the only benefit, then I'd get rid of it since its only taken up space and resticting flow....any opinions guys? :rolleyes:
The first part reduces NOx (nitorgen oxides) to N2 and O2, the second part oxidizes unburnt hydrocarbons and CO into CO2. It's strictly for emissions. If your converter use an air tube, you'll notice the tube enter the converter in the middle. This is where the first part ends and the second begins.

The converter does this by using precious metals which are supported either on beads or a monolith (honeycomb). These beads or the monolith are what cause the restriction. Newer cats are much less restrictive than older design. Cats also can get plugged with age.

I'd really like to have a bung welded to my downpipe so I could measure the back pressure. I don't really want to premanently remove it unless it's a problem.
I have not had a cat on the car and it has passed emissions in Seattle, but they did not look for the cat. Here in Atlanta they look for the cat so a gutted would be needed. Oh wait my car is taged in a county that doesn't have testing.

To get a 3" pipe to fix you need to do 1 of 2 things. Either pull the engine and install the pipe and restall the engine(no room to fix with engine in) or have them make it a 2 piece design (about $200) A 2.5" pipe should fix with out pulling the engine. You would have to remove your old one and take it to a shop to use as a template in either case.
Originally posted by b4black
If your converter use an air tube, you'll notice the tube enter the converter in the middle. This is where the first part ends and the second......

Nope......mine never had that tube....:cool: Based on these assessments I think I'll chuck the 'Cat'.....;)
Only way I would run a cat is if I absolutely had to per state law. Heck, then I'd still try to find a way to get around using it.
These things flow about as good an old wet sock stuck up your tailpipe;)

Best thing to do if you HAVE to have it is gut the thing, IMO.
Luckily for me the states I've lived in (IL/FL) don't have yearly emissions inspections.
Clean air act is B.S. IMO anyway. ONE vulcano going off puts out more harmful emissions than the whole industrial revolution did in the U.S. & they want to blame piston driven vehicles for the ozone depletion???? The forrest fire they had recently in Colorado put more bad stuff in the air the city of Chicago did in a whole year~per Assoc. pres.
Truth is, it's PROFITABLE make eveyone buy emissions related garbage. If the gov. REALLY cared about clean air they would promote clean, replenishable fuels like methonal instead of crap pollution equipment that doesn't do what it's supposed to & helps consume even more valuable petro. Plus, if we converted to methonal dirivetives it would give a real shot in the arm to the American farmer who really needs(needed) it.
OK, enough of the rant but one more tidbit berfore I go,
"they" say there is an actual HOLE in the ozone layer.
If you know anything at all about the ozone, that statement is literally impssible. If there was an actual "hole" in it, virually ALL life that the "hole" passed over would be no longer! Plus the surface of the earth would very quikely become poisoned with radiation from the sun. The truth is we haven't even lost 1/100th of the actual ozone layer sinse we've been watching it.
Yay T-Rich!

I thought I was the only one who knew this. :D
Alot of these tree huggers who whine about pollution go to thier protest rallys in big fat gas guzzling SUV's. Hypocrites! :mad:

If this country really gave a dame we'd kick the middle east oil pack countries out of our oil shopping grocery list. I say we should buy it from the Russions.

Besides, I heard we already have the technology to make the internal combustion engine burn with maximum efficiency. We just implement it at a snails pace so the engineers can figure a way to slowly suck money out of our wallets. :rolleyes:

Just venting......:D
If this country really gave a dame we'd kick the middle east oil pack countries out of our oil shopping grocery list. I say we should buy it from the Russions.

I gotta agree with that! It is really sad that we can't pump our own oil here in the US too! Out of sight, out of mind I guess.
Tree huggers tend to only look at things in thier own back yard.
They need to realize that this "ozone layer" they are so concerned about covers the WHOLE world & not just the US.
Think of all the oil workers (literally 1,000's) that lost thier jobs in the name of "clean air". Truly a very sad thing. A lot of these ppl were 2nd & 3rd gen. & thats all they knew. But if it made some enviro-neo-hippy feel better about thier fantasy world then I guess it was all worth it~right.
Personally I tend to think (hope) that the gov. is just trying to use up all the dot head oil first so they'll be S.O.L. when it's gone;) Face it, w/out oil, countries like
Iraq might as well be Eithiopia.
No argument here.

We (the US) bought oil from Russia last year that’s way the prices dropped. And Russia was glad to get the Money. I don't know if we still are buy oil from them, but we should.

We should also be drilling in Alaska.

That’s my opinion.
Well engine and trans are in the car, it got it's first test run monday(without exhuest)....Not good...Trans is holding 3rd gear. Hopefully it's just because it's been sitting for so long, the rest of the test went great untill they let off the gas and they could no longer see the car behind...The turbo oil seals seems to have gone bad :( On the brite side (if I can find my) is that I found one local with only 18K miles on it for a very good price. But this has put me about 1k over buget(wife is going to kill me). that means that the down pipe will wait.
I should get the car this saturday...4 months into project
Only four months ? , The engine in my olds right now took 4 years to complete (one peice at a time And the way I wanted it done.)