Using Girls To Help Sell Cars...

dude all I can tell you is if you had ever met Suzanne, you would NOT have made that stupid comment. (met her at the track one night after she handed my WH1 a major league ass-whipping)

Geez quit fawning over her man. Just ask her out if thats what you are trying to do. She could look like a perfect ten.. shes still *hatin'*

and to the other guy rambling on about ebay and hackers, aliens, meteorites blah blah etc.. sorry bud. I lost you. Just because you met some skanks in your life doesn't give you magical powers to root out skanks simply because they are in a photograph that makes you feel kinda funny.
Gee Pablo, just after I give you some respect you have to make a prickish comment like that....

as far as the rest of you: you seem to enjoy dishing it out, I want to knwo how many of you can take it.

It seems like you are denigrating these women simply because they chose to model their bodies in front of cars. So in this case, you are dishing it out yet you haven't posted a picture of yourself, or let us know what you do for a living. Not willing to take the criticism? Kinda hypocritical in a way.

Just thought it was kind of funny so I poked fun at you in that vein. Bear in mind that I have no idea what you look like. Doesn't really matter either. I have no interest in knowing.
and to the other guy rambling on about ebay and hackers, aliens, meteorites blah blah etc.. sorry bud. I lost you. Just because you met some skanks in your life doesn't give you magical powers to root out skanks simply because they are in a photograph that makes you feel kinda funny.

I guess my standards for a good woman are much higher than some people's here:) I think I hear Rosy calling your name...

The thing about hacks on ebay was that there was a greater response (clicks) from people wanting to see a naked female than there was for people wanting to buy a PS3 on the same site. Much of the virus propagation and trojans found on the internet are seeded from web sites with nude and non-nude female models.

Would you click on that link? It goes to a page that steals your ebay account information. Nice going ebay sec admins:rolleyes:

I am always suspicious of most product ads that use woman as a method for selling a product. If the product was that good, it should speak for itself. Just like the GN in the original post, how many things in the description don't seem to fit what that car could really do? Many things might be overlooked because of the distraction from the models. I think the funniest one I have seen is a zero turn mower that insinuates that if you get done mowing faster you will have more time to spend with the three female models in the ad. In reality, there would just be more housework waiting to get done.

It moves product when the advertiser puts female models in ads. If having the model in the ad can sway your decision to purchase a product, good for the advertisers. They find more and more suckers every day.


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Gee Pablo I was soo looking forward to your coming out here for a wild weekend beyond anything your fantasies could imagine :tongue: ...... this isn't about me, as I am not the one making charming comments like "that's spank material" or "face that would make a train take a dirt road", it would be more hypocritical of me to put pictures up to give you and the rest of the gang more more material to review and discuss in your charming and intellectual manner. But you are rigth about one thing: it doesn't matter; since I do have a brain and do NOT have an air nozzle: I'm probably not your type.
Gee Pablo I was soo looking forward to your coming out here for a wild weekend beyond anything your fantasies could imagine :tongue: ...... this isn't about me, as I am not the one making charming comments like "that's spank material" or "face that would make a train take a dirt road", it would be more hypocritical of me to put pictures up to give you and the rest of the gang more more material to review and discuss in your charming and intellectual manner. But you are rigth about one thing: it doesn't matter; since I do have a brain and do NOT have an air nozzle: I'm probably not your type.

:( can we still be friends?
Notice exactly when it went south.

I bailed a long time ago but I keep getting these pesky notices in e-mail.

I always thought girls were a good way to show off different features

take these from an autoshow for example

Fiat showing off their models

or Kia...
