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Vacation pics from New Zealand...(56k warning)


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If I ever get to go on a vacation out of the states... It has always been my desire to visit New Zealand. I even looked into it for our 10th wedding anniversay this summer, but just the plane tickets alone... :eek:

The pics look great! You have a killer camera.


Thanks man. One thing that I might suggest that we did was that we got a Visa with United Airline miles and linked it up to our Safeway club card, paid our bills, used it for gas and made all purchases on it. We'd just pay it off at the end of the month and it was money that we were already paying out anyway. In the end we got one free ticket which was about $1,200. They also have deals through out the year and their seasons are reverse from ours.

I think one of the coolest cars they have down there besides all of the Holdens is a Ford Falcon XR6. They also make a XR8 version with a V8 but the XR6t? comes with a 4L inline 6 with a pretty healthy looking turbo and a intercooler on it and it can be had with either a auto trans or a manual and they also make it in a Ute version (El Camino/Ranchero style). I believe they also run low 14's as well. Here are some pics of the Ute version from our trip to Australia in December 2003.




Dave, tell me all about your camera, it takes mind bogling pictures!!!!
Dave, tell me all about your camera, it takes mind bogling pictures!!!!

Thanks Dave :cool: My wife actually bought it for me for our 1yr anniversary. I researched cameras for quite some time on dpreview and came to the conclussion that this camera would be a perfect choice. I saved for a while but then right when I almost had enough saved up I needed to put a clutch in the Evo :( Then brakes and then my wife stepped in :D I took all of these pictures in manual mode but I used auto focus for the lens because I am still learning. Here's a direct link about my camera which was recently discontinued and replaced by the D40 and D40x. There is a tab that you can check and you can look at test photos. The site is great.

Nikon D50 reveiw
I Take it they are bass-akwards over there and drive on the wrong side of the street? Cant believe how clear those pics came out. They looked like professional pics. Especially the ones from the plane.
I Take it they are bass-akwards over there and drive on the wrong side of the street? Cant believe how clear those pics came out. They looked like professional pics. Especially the ones from the plane.

In New Zealand they say WE drive on the wrong side of the road :confused: Everything seems to be opposite of us. I heard their toliets rotate a different way I guess because of the equator. All of the toliets that I saw in New Zealand and Australia just go straight down because the tank sits higher and it's bonged down through some larger pipes :eek: I guess I could've tried this in a sink. For light switches you have to turn them down to turn on the lights and up to turn them off. If two people are walking toward each other on the sidewalk you go to the left to let them pass. I never really thought about it but everyone seems to go to the right by default up here. It's really a trip when you think how many little differences there are. The door knobs or levers are much higher up on most doors in New Zealand and Australia. I'll post a pic below for you all to see. The volume knobs on most factory car stereos are on the right (nearest to the driver). This is why the volume knob is on the right on the 04-06 GTO's factory Blaupunkt stereo as they never bothered to make a different version of the stereo. It would probably cost too much money to make such a simple change.

I saw this car at my wife's home town. I hear it's a Hemi Charger clone. It belongs to a local. Sounds pretty good and is different from anything we have for sure! I couldn't tell you which year as they are totally different. I would say late 60's early 70's I had to guess.


