On Sept. 11, I was speechless. Actually, no I wasnt'.. I remember my first words while watching live....
"Oh my god, my country just went to war".
This video IS that war. No, I'm not trying to make connections with Iraq and 9/11. But these are terrorists... this is the battlefield... and this is the war. Plain and simple. Nobody likes to see people die... But you have to remember that we are the country that shows all the mercy.
When Iraqi citizens are killed in car bombings from these people.. we show mercy and compassion. We pay the expenses and go through the actions of caring for all of these people. Even when Iraqi citizens (not terrorists) were injured from our war efforts.. we showed mercy and compassion.
When Iraqi troops put their guns down and their hands up.... we showed mercy and compassion. As they were walking down the road, did we unload those Apache's on them?? No.. we let them walk.
When Saddam came out of a 'spider hole'. All it would have taken was a gentle squeeze of a trigger and he wouldn't have been much of a problem any more. But he came out in peace... and we showed mercy.
When these guys are preparing to fire on our troops.... clearly have weapons meant for engaging us in combat, should we show mercy. Nope... it's time for them to die. I think that is what many of the comments of amazement in here are about. About the accuracy and capability that our military has worked to acheive in eliminating elements like this and still allow peace and calm on the ordinary streets. These were the only people that died in this incident.
No mercy...
Flying a plane into two occupied buildings on a Tuesday morning!! That's killing thousands of people who were not engaging in combat. They were engaging in life.
Killing thousands of Kerds <sp> to the north with gas and killing thousands of people in the south, torture thousands more in jails, etc, etc... That's no mercy. And this man and his sons enjoyed that thoroughly.
I don't think anyone here actually wants good willing people to die. You didn't hear those pilots laughing or cackling at their 'kills'. They did their job and went home.
With all of this being said on my soapbox, I'm going to step down by saying thank you to those men in the Apache for taking out 7 more people who would NOT SHOW MERCY on us, or the people mentioned above.
Good day everyone.