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No major study of the male mind needed. Men are animals. Pure and simple. We are very physical creatures. This video "talks" to us on a baser level. We are about 4 main things. Food, sex, violence/power, and sleep. Not having enough of either makes us unbalanced. By violence, I mean competition of one sort or the other whether it is hunting, sports, racing, wealth, telling the biggest lie or any other way to assert our alpha selves by getting the better of the next guy.
This video appeals to two of these needs. Sex, of course, plus it also appeals to the power aspect because men know that the only reason a woman does this is to attract a man. It plays to our egos as the "dominant gender" and this pleases us. It's a throw back to older, harsher times. Times when men hit the woman over the head and drug her off. Modern men know though that women really have the power now and the smart ones realize this woman is a manipulator. Her purpose for learning this "skill" is to seperate men from their money. But that doesn't mean that we can't appreciate the show.:wink:

Kelly is just simply a knockout. My favorite outfit ever is the one she wears in "Behind These Hazel Eyes".;)