Watch out for them kids!


RIP Charlie!
Sep 20, 2007
This is for aminga and meanchicken.;) If it's true it would make a parent cring to say the least, if not it's just darned funny.:D

Last night on a plane back home from Dallas to Tyler,
I was sitting with a friend I've known for many years, talking about church and a whole lot of political things. Being a US Congressman, Louie visits a lot of different churches in the area throughout the year and he told me of what happened in a local church on this past Easter that made me roll with laughter, to the point of tears.

The pastor of this Baptist church had called all of the little children
to the front of the church, dressed in their cute Easter outfits and had
them sit around him.

He said "Today is Easter and you all look so handsome and beautiful.
Today we're going to talk about the resurrection. Does anyone know what
the resurrection is?"

One little boy raised his hand, and the pastor
said "Please tell us what the resurrection is".

The boy, proud that he knew the answer, said in a clear loud voice

"When you get one lasting more than four hours, you gotta call a doctor!"

It took a solid 10 minutes before the pastor could speak and there was so much laughter going on that his sermon was probably forgotten - but that little boy's voice won't be.
I was on a plane last night with a guy who had about 20 screaming kids with him. I asked if they were his. He said no, I work for a condom company. These kids are part of a product recall.