We had a big storm last night.

White Out

Nov 29, 2005
It was awsome, except for one thing. The water was well over the middle of the front rim on the buick. It has a cold air intake where the filter sticks well below the lowest part of the body. Luckily the door seals kept the interior dry. Water was up to my knees in spots.

Here is the begining of the night. Notice the water running off of the building behind the buick.

The water starts getting deeper and deeper.



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This is later in the night. Water eventually went above the doors. Luckily the seals held tight and it was dry this morning when I checked it out.


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It needed to be jumped (amp kills battery if it sits for more than two days and it has been there for a week). It didn't seem like a smart idea with the downpour and lightning.
We had some nice lightning too. Here is a picture of my STi and roomates WRX. A friend joined in the background. :eek:


ps. to give you an idea of how hard it was raining, I put shampoo in my hair and ran outside. Within a miniute my hair was clean. :D


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Damn, I would have gladly gone out there to jump it rather than watch water rise up to the doors. Lucky that nothing leaked in.
survivie > Buick stay dry. Even though the buick is the second most importiant thing in my life (hopefully it stays that way, otherwise it will be numer one, woman issues).

You might want to check under the carpet because there are drain plugs in the floor pans also the seat belt holes go through the pan as well. If the carpet got wet it will smell moldy and musty, like old pond water and frogs. I would park on higher grounds next rain spell.

Your amp is not hooked up right if it drains the battery.
I know about the amp issues.

I was all over the floor looking for wet spots. It was dry as Vegas in there. I am glad that the lower seals held up. I was very worried about the car when the water was that high. I was expecting an insurance claim and making sure the car wasn't totalled. I am so glad it is dry.
Thursday the manifolds come off to get welded up. Then the rest of the car will get it's attention.
