Weather stripping problem; possible to tilt glass?

John Ceta

Turbo Regal lover
Jul 30, 2007
My parents' car is leaking badly at the passenger side front window. The piece of weather stripping that goes around the t-bar is really off. I can't explain too well without using pictures, which I'll try to post later. The strip on the driver's side lines up nicely and the driver's side window barely leaks. The passenger side strip, however, seems like it is totally out of proportion. If you pull it one way it will line up properly in one spot, but it will go out of position somewhere else. When I post the pictures this should be a lot clearer.

For now I think it may help me fix the passenger's side if I could just tilt the rear corner of the passenger door glass in a bit, towards the inside of the car. It just needs to go a few degrees inward. My question is, is it possible to do this? And if so, how easy is it to do? I know where the height stops for the glass are and know how to adjust them, but this doesn't do too much to change the tilt at the rear corner.

Wow... this is really difficult to explain.
The drivers side:

This is the seal in question. It starts at the top of the rear quarter, runs all the way around the t-bar where the t-top sits, and ends up at the top of the a-pillar.

Everything on the driver's side seems to line up. The bottom part fits nicely:


This corner part is good. The inside of the window sits flush against the strip (red line) and the corner of the window fits snug inside of the channel made by a little tab that is there (yellow line). There is a bigger square channel (green line) but nothing goes in it.


Because everything seems to look like it fits right, I am assuming this strip is in properly?
Can someone who has a t-top car that doesn't leak (is that possible? :) ) double check this for me?
The problem (passenger) side; note, first pic is taken from inside of car not outside.

The corner that fits so well on the driver's side looks like **** on the passenger's side. First off, the strip curves inward, away from the inside of the glass (see red line). Secondly, the corner of the glass sits in the big green channel instead of the yellow channel:


And thirdly, when I try to make it fit the best that I can, there becomes a ton of slack at the bottom:


If I push the bottom part up so that almost all the slack is gone, then the red line becomes way more curved and the strip bends even further away from the window at that point.

The only way I see this thing fitting is if I can tilt the corner of the window in. If the window doesn't tilt anymore, then I don't see how I can make it go into the yellow channel. Is there some way to tilt that corner?

My plan is to get the corner to fit, and then just cut the bottom part off, take the slack out, and reattach it because I'm pretty sure this strip is deformed and there is no way to make it fit without cutting it.

Off to go pull the door panel again, I guess...