Well, Guess what I got today?
The same phone call that has been seemingly passed around today. I think Mr Hurst's fingers may be sore from dialing. He called while I was out in the field today working on the ranch and I said I would get back to him over this situation, which I both neither knew or know about and have no desire to. I will say that I was asked to remove the thread and "do something about it" .
I told him I would get back to him
Instead I think I will speak my peace here. He may be mad at me , but this is what I feel. First of all , I will speak of what I DO KNOW.
1) I was at the race and in Vegas the whole time. I donated money for Turbobuick.com, I donated money for PTS XTREME, and I gave The winner Paul $100.00 cash in front of everybody after the race for having the best Light with a win in the stage class eliminations. ( Maybe next year Micale will be a little more on the ball, but you know these old guys). I also paid for all my entries and everything else I did. I did not have any Transmission wares or sell anything but I do have a new radiator we took out to show people. I didn't try to sell a thing for Tb.com or PTS. All I took was the TB.com banner which Micale wore "proudly" on his trailer. LOLOLOL
Just little ole me having a blast with a great bunch of guys. I even got to meet and spend time with Len and I think we hit it off great. Start of a good relationship.
2) I would like to thank the guys, Jack, Jon, and Craig for the excuse to go to Vegas that the wife cannot dispute. "It is for TB.com honey"......yea right... what a crock! I enjoyed being with you guys. The Bodrosians, Sod, Manny and Robbie are all great people. Got to spend time with Don Wang, who I felt so bad for, after windowing his motor on the last pass ruining the rest of his weekend. but EVEN at that , he had a smile. Meeting with Razor, Paul, Russ, Otto, Miles, John, Micales and THE WHOLE ARIZONA GANG who I KNOW ATE well, cause friggin Micale gave the bill to the waitress telling her I was paying for dinner at 1 in the morning for 14 people, Which I did without incident. Man am I gullible.
Geoff and Guy, from Hawaii are always great people, and I had a great time with them.
Ask Nick who picked up his wife from the airport on their anniversary while he was playing around with that slow white POS thing he drives.
I helped out a nice guy from Orange County and got him to run quicker than he did previously and he was thrilled. He even let me drive his car for a pass but it was right after Donnie Wang windowed his motor and the car never did hook right. But, first pass in a while and had fun.
3) The people I met, hung out with , gambled with , and seemingly provided dinner for, I enjoyed every minute of it. Reaper, you shocked me sitting right next to me and no clue you were who you were.
Then you got dinner too, huh?
Anyway, To all I met and had fun with , thanks, it was all well worth it. Even though the turnout could have been better, who can say, other than Don Wang, they didn't go home after having fun?
That is what most of this is about anyway.
The racing part we can work on but the friendships and the good times will always be remembered.
Terri Played blackjack and learned it was fun.We all had a good time.
The Hawaiian guys are always a blast to have around. All Joe (gofstbuick) wanted was to meet them. after asking me repeatedly where they were, it turns out Geoff is standing in front of us in line at the track. I noticed it was him and told Joe, "There he is, you can go home now" ROFL.! That BTW was the last we saw of Joe as He was confined to site seeing with the family. Next year he is going with me.
Now, as it will be posted somewhere, The Lens Performance Transmissions decal placed on my rear window looks damn good!! That was another Vegas Classic!!!
All in fun and nobody could be funnier than Mr Miles. What do you really expect from a potato farmer?
Now, Mr. Jason Cramer.
The person this whole BGNRA thing seems to have started from and is about. Well, I have known Jason for quite some time. I know he is brilliant in so many ways, I wouldn't know where to start. Also in lue of being one of the nicest and accomidating people I have ever met I KNOW the one thing he is NOT, is a liar!!!!!!
I would be willing to side with Jason on just about anything the man has to say or do. My agreement with BGNRA as a sponser is I run a banner ad for them and he inserts TB.coms banner in his newsletter. No money changes hands and it is a straight across trade ad. If he feels that I am not holding up my end by not editing this thread in any way shape or form, and he eliminates TB.com from his newsletter, so be it. This thread and it's contents are NOT going anywhere and I would like to see exactly what does come out in the wash. There are 5 people who know what went on here. Steve, Jack, Craig, Jon, and it seems Jason. 4 out of 5 are some pretty damn good odds.
If what has been accusated is true, than , I believe it is a blatent blow to all of us and an insult to those who worked to put this event on that we all enjoy. If it turns out to be not true, which is not looking real good at this point, Than Mr Hurst would be owed an apology. But again, Tb.com has nothing to do with this. Neither do I. I do wish though that this was hashed out in another thread so the people that did have a great time, enjoyed themselves and who maybe took pics could post the pics and their enjoyable experiances in Vegas at the Nats.
Again, I had a fantastic time and knew nothing of any of this, so I am not the one to judge. But like in the NFL, I have not seen or heard from anybody but one person, who we all know who that is, to overturn anything. In fact, I would like to know more about exactly what took place. For the last 3 years I have gave cash to the best light in eliminations with a win. Right there $100.00 out of my pocket after the races and every year but this year, as Paul won it, it went to Race Jace. This on top of sponsering the event, with two seperate businesses, with the expectation of nothing in return.
I realize Mr Hurst may be mad at me, but knowing the people who are involved here, I tend to lean their way. Until I or they, are proven wrong, this thread will live and go on.
I only kinda wish that it wasn't in the middle of all the good time we had.
BTW... Mr. Merritt and Otto, you are not in New England anymore. If you wish to snake hunt expect to find one out here.LOL
The tables were good to me, the community was great and I had a blast , which I desperatly needed. Thanks to all, the people who put on the event, the people I hung out with, and all the people that supported and attended the event. It was a blast as always. I hope next year we can make it even better and I will always be there to support it.