What are YOU Giving Up??? To Save $$?

Nothing at all...... I don't get it ....gas has went up and food a little bit that really it around here.
yeah the market sucks...but its been worse
I stopped buying electric guitars and am going to hold off on buying a new amplifier for a while. Just going to keep using my 25 year old Peavey Bandit 65. Cannot even modify my newest Dean ZX like I want since the Floyd Rose is the next expense I have to wait on. :biggrin:
I hate to say it, but.... My local Mom and Pop shops are killing me on prices. I dont mind over paying for things as long as its going to good people(I have that right):) and I had to break down to walmart for oil and ammo.:rolleyes:
I just cant pay $4qt and $28 2 boxs of ammo. Saved $30 today.
i gave up:

lunch on a regular basis.

my summer cruiser was down all summer so i saved a load on gas

i havent bought a CD in over a year


random ebay spur of the moment purchases (tennis shoes, jerseys, etc)

cut back on convienient store purchases

stopped my purchases of automobilia (diecasts and literature)

things i didnt give up:

my cars (not yet)

my U of Pitt football season ticket ($199 for the season)

i've begun to sort out what parts i need and dont need... like i dont need 5 cutlass header panels or 4 consoles..etc..
I gave up on buying a new daily driver that could tow a GN, or a bass boat. I am driving a 4 cyl x-cab frontier automatic. Not as bad as it sounds, but no trailblazer SS either.
No more lunches or dinners out and no going to the movies. Also bought a cheap old Ford Festiva 46.7mpg so that I could park my 18mpg Expedition. Spend a few hundred bucks on extra insulation in the house...

Other wise still spending like crazy...:biggrin:
Cutting back

I cut back a bit. I have to ask "Do I really need this right now?"

I did spend some money a few years ago on the roof, new windows, new A/C and insulation. It is making a difference now.

Still have to get the GN motor a rebuild. Not going overboard on high dollar parts.

Fortunate to have skill that is in demand, a good job and a decent paycheck.