What goes thru you head when you see a guy Driving...

  • Thread starter AsphaltAnihil8r
  • Start date
That it had better run 11's or he's on his way to get it painted pink or lavender. :rolleyes:
Funny you should ask this.

Most bugs I a see have women drivers :p

But since my Uncle Pete owned one in the mid 60's
it was like 63-65 model with running boards.

When I see one I think of how I stood on the running board while he drove up & down the street.
Originally posted by AsphaltAnihil8r
a VW bug..............



Sissy:eek: :eek:

there was a kid at that graduated me had a riceed out newer bug... what a tool

and whats worse than that is at our last buick meet we took the spots of the mini cooper group (all of like two showed up, and there was about a dozen buicks) and the first guy that showed up got out of his mini all pissed off and yelling at us saying 'you cant park here, this is for the mini club only!' and stuff along those lines (it was first come first serve). and the funny thing was the guy thought he was all tough and stuff, and he had his tattoo's, and a wife beater on, he was built kinda like the paul sr. off american chopper, he even wore black socks with his sandles... what a dork... you know those mini's are real manly cars.....

My co-worker has a lime green bug.....


He is gay.......very gay.....

there ya go :) Can't argue with proof like that!!!!!
Originally posted by nisnutz
That he has a bike hanging from a hook in his garage without a seat.
Damm you had me crying from laughing sooooo much:D
BTW, I think the same applies if you drive a VW Jetta........ It's a chick car so if you're a guy and you drive one you are a member of the rainbow warriors and I don't mean Jeff Gordon;)
I guess if you have one as a daily beater (and you have a fast car) I would give you a break from busting your stones about it, but it still is gay to me (opinions vary I guess).......
Depends on the year i think,the older ones kick ass off road if set up right.My uncle had a backyard vw repair shop way back and he had one that was stroked and everything else,the crank would click on the cases until it warmed up.Anyway that thing would damn near pull a wheel on these tiny little slicks on the street!Didnt bmw copy some designs from dr.porshe s engine? ps my uncle also had a aluminum big block chevelle,he was no fool.
I will say this much...... those little VW motors are very reliable and will damn near last forever if taken care of........ They are a very high quality car, but I just can't get over the looks and how small they are (I could never fit in one of those things)!
When I see a guy driving anything with the VW name on it I figure he must squat when he pees.

And if he isn't gay, I figure he is probably some p-whipped sap on the way to the store to buy some tampons for his wife.
When I see a guy driving a bug, I think he is either very secure in his masculinity, his wife took his Vette to work that day, or he has questionable sexual orientation. Saw a guy when I was on my way to work a few weeks ago in a new bug. Kind of a pastel green, had flowers in the in dash flower vase, and little daisy tail light block outs on it. It was so freakin CUTE, I almost asked him if his daughter like her bug. Mark :D
come on guys ,hes not a fag ,hes a homo. wasnt there a thread about tb's not atracting girls?I bet you could get more chicks in a bug than our cars,its like a puppy or a baby.
Originally posted by Hammer
wasnt there a thread about tb's not atracting girls?

All i know is that i've gotten a lot of chicks to yell "nice car" at me in the GN. Of course, they probably think it's a monte carlo :rolleyes:.

As far as the beetle thing, if it is a new car they paid lots of money for, they're gay. If it's a pos beater that they are tearing up, then it's understandable. Anything is cool if it's a beater, hell i'm currently trying to buy an 87 NEW YORKER with a TURBO for a beater....grandma car with balls! :cool:

What do you think

Nothing wrong with a Beetle or Mini Cooper. I'll tell you one place that you don't see them so often is at the gas station !!!

Now you wanna' see the ultimate "chick car" ??? That would be the Honda Del Sol. Man, I would rather walk than drive one of them !!! The ultimate wuss car. Anyone pulls up in a Del Sol better be looking like Britney Spears!!!!!