What I Wish President Bush would say

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May 25, 2001
Bush Speech, What I Wish He Would Say! (And probably
what he wishes he could say!)

"My fellow Americans,

I have a number of important announcements to make today.

Effective immediately, I have ordered all American armed forces
out of South Korea and will cease all aid to South Korea.
The South Koreans have made it clear that they know better
about their own security and will therefore be given the
opportunity to take on that responsibility themselves.

At the same time, I would like the North Koreans to know that
we have targeted all major North Korean cities and military
installations with submarine based nuclear missiles,
and any attempt by them to cross the demilitarized zone, or
any attack of any kind on any nation, and I will order a full and
complete launch of our missiles.
In addition, if North Korea ships any nuclear materials or
weapons to any country, we will launch missiles against
all their government and military installations.
I leave it up to the good judgment of the American people
whether they want to continue buying unsafe ****ty cars
made by people who hate us.

I am also closing all US bases in Germany and returning
our troops home.
I will leave it up to the good judgment of Americans
whether they want to continue to buy overpriced cars
made by former Nazis.

I would also like to announce that, effective immediately,
the United States is suspending membership in the
United Nations and will cease all payments to that
They have proven to be silly and ineffective and a waste of
your taxpayer dollars.
The United States has invited the United Kingdom, Australia,
Turkey, Italy, Spain, other willing European countries, and
former members of the eastern block who are now free and fully
appreciate the price of freedom, to join a new alliance -
NNATO (NOT NATO). The United States will continue it's
membership in NATO to the extent that it suits our national
interests, but will no longer promise to unconditionally defend
France and Germany - and that includes from each other.

With regard to Belgium - who cares.

With regard to the war on terrorism and the recent elevation
of risk alert - I am notifying all nations who have supported,
funded, and protected Al Qaida, that any mass casualty attack
on the United States or US citizens abroad will result in a
nuclear retaliatory attack on the capitals of those nations and
any known Al Qaida camps in those nations.

After September 11th, 2001 I said ""that you are either with us
or with the terrorists"". Now is when all nations will get to chose
for real.
Fully,;completely, and honestly cooperate in shutting down
Al Qaida right now, or suffer the;same consequences that
we will inflict on them. All American citizens are ;advised
to leave these countries immediately. You know who they are.

In closing, I would like to say to Hillary and Tom (Daschle)
...... shut up.

God bless the United States of America"

George W. Bush

:D ;)
If the exports were government-owned, I would agree with your parody. However, most if not all exported goods in those mentioned countries are not. Don't forget that just like the Iraqi people whom we are defending, those other countries have companies who employ people having hopes and dreams just like us: to be successful and to not live in fear. No one should live otherwise and I believe that to be our mission as a nation. I agree it would be nice to cut to the chase and just say what should be said; the political correctness can be irritating at times.