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what intercooler neck and value?


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Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
Can someone tell me what neck in on my intercooler? Doesn't look like the stock ones I've seen but not sure its a Dutt neck. Can't see a weld or and name on int.

It's in good condition. I removed it to install a front mount. What is it worth if I sell it?


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Looks like a Dutt neck, with grinded off weld......ill give you 150.
Dutweiler neck. Nice upgrade from stock. Seen friends run low 11's with it.
To be clear its a Duttweiler style neck. A true Duttweiler says it on the side. No difference really they both do the same thing. :cool:
Whenever we did Dutt necks, we always ground the welds after we prepped the weld area with a taper first to ensure full weld penetration. We then ground the weld area flat, then "stippled" the weld with a needle scaler to blend it in with the rest of the casting. It doesn't make any difference H.P. wise, but it is nicer looking and appears stock to the untrained eye.
Stock appearing, but faster was always our motto.
We ported heads, intakes, turbos, throttlebodies, and exhaust manifolds, in addition to many other "stealth" mods, including I.C. changes, painting shocks and solid or urethane bushings, adding high ratio rockers, stretched, but stock looking rocker covers, along with a host of other mods.
Like in the movie "Maverick", never tip your hand too early in a card game..... or,
Never let 'em see you coming.... (Devil's Advocate)
And of course, ground Duttweiler off of the neck, we have also used "Vibrant" cast necks too lately. More work, but easily available.
Keith Mease (MPE, Mease Performance Engineering) was making big necks too.
His necks had a little larger radius than the Dutt neck.

The neck makes a major improvement to the flow because the air from the turbo is not laminar, it exits the turbo in a "corkscrew" flow like a tornado. The sharp crossectional change at the step up coupling slows the circular velocity quite a bit, making the turn into the IC much more efficient.
On the boost gauge the improvement typically results in almost TWO pounds more boost at the manifold. Which brings up another cheap improvement some of the newbies may not be aware of.
The wastegate port is on the outlet of the turbo, if you move it to the upper plenum on the manifold, the boost rises by a few more lbs, that's the difference in restrictions in the IC, t-body, and plumbing between the turbo outlet and manifold. If you leave the wastegate port connected to the turbo while you make mods to improve the air transitions in ALL of the interconnecting plumbing, (sharp edges on both ends of the up pipe, IC outlet, t- body inlet, slimming the TB shaft, rounding the leading and trailing edges of the throttle blade, rounding/blending the upper plenum transition from the TB to the inside of the plenum, etc.) you can see the results of your work in increased boost! THEN plumb the wastegate hose to the upper plenum (middle of the passengers side, drill and tap a 1/8" pipe thread for a hosebarb) and enjoy the "free" boost gain! Doing all of these mods usually gains another few lbs.of indicated boost. But with the wastegate hose connected to the plenum, you wouldn't see the difference, but the "butt dyno" will show it in transient response and a bit of HP improvement due to cooler air from less turbulence.
One HP in 10 places, is still a 10 HP gain....
Why not clock the turbo compressor outlet down some, cut off the stock 90 degree elbow on the intercooler, and fab/plumb it with a 45 degree elbow? Has someone tried it before and the geometry not work?
Didn't seem to make much difference. I believe it is because eliminating much of the swirl at the step up before the bigger elbow makes it easier for the air to turn going into the cooler tubes, rather than swirling at each of the tubes entrance.
I believe that a toroidal carb hat type elbow right out of the turbo instead of a conventional elbow would be better yet, but I have not pursued it. JMHO