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What is the best anti theft device i can get for my car


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That's funny. I messed with liquid nitrogen all sorts of ways in science class, and it never did what it seemed to do in the movies. I tried freezing all sorts of stuff with it.. it got no colder than if I left it on my porch for a day. (in 9 degree weather). I'd like to see him try and break cable that thick with liquid nitrogen...
Though, I could be thru that cable in NO time, with a battery powered cut off wheel and a tow truck. As the guy was slipping those little adjustable frames under your front wheels, I'd be sawing the cable. It would take literally no longer than 60 seconds to make your car disappear. And lojack.. heheheh. Even a rudimentary knowledge of radio and/or microwaves will tell you there's several ways to defeat the lojack system.

The only way is to keep your eye on it, or to box it in with a few other cars...

You're right...the best way is to keep an eye on it. And box it in. But in public that is impossible most of the time. Un, you can cut through 1 1/2 inches of CASE HARDENED cable? What would you about the four wheel brake lock system that I don't tell anyone about (now I am) that I kept under the hood with a rounded key (like they use in vending machines) to unlock the brakes? And the ignition shutoff system on it? And the missing steering wheel? The teakwood wheel is only attatched by 6 machine screws and I took it off with me any time I was away from the Vette for more than 1/2 hour. How would you defeat the four locked brakes while cutting the cable and putting the front wheels on dollys?

The liquid nitrogen boils at -321 degrees F at atmospheric pressure. It's kept in vacuum flasks to keep the low temperature at -321 degrees by slow boiling off to gas. It's only good for a few weeks or hours. I saw a rubber ball dipped in a flask of liquid nitrogen then dropped on the shattered like glass. Then a stem with a rose on it was dipped, dropped and it shattered like glass. Are you sure you weren't using cold Koolaid in class?:tongue::D:p

I can't mention the other anti-theft things I did to it, there are more, and this is from a guy who will go to any length to keep his car, no matter what. The new system I'm coming up with, I can't share. The more that know, the more chances of it being defeated. I don't want to give anyone any time at all to figure out how to defeat it. Suprises is the owner's best friend...never prepare a thief by revealing certian methods. The point I was making is, the more you make a thief take time to get your car, the more chance you have of him quitting. Soon, it'll take me about one hour to unlock/undo everything on the Grand National, so that means it'll take a pro thief about 10 minutes to do it.:rolleyes: Better than five.

Mark, that was funny! :D

Bruce '87 Grand National
Here's a good kill switch.

Won't kill the car once it's started and you are driving should you hit the switch by accident.

I dont care what sort of brakes you have. a flat bed will have your car anytime it wants it. That's not the point though. The point is we all have to keep our eyes on our cars at ALL times, unless it's in a secure garage.
I dont care what sort of brakes you have. a flat bed will have your car anytime it wants it. That's not the point though. The point is we all have to keep our eyes on our cars at ALL times, unless it's in a secure garage.

I well see your point, bud, and I agree with you 100%. I worry about my cars ALL the damn time. It's really a shame we can't just take our GN and TBs out, park them, come back and go home in them. I worry about my GN, and after reading all this, I'm going to worry more and take more precautions. Since it's on jackstands now with no interior, suspension parts missing, I guess it's at it's safest point in it's long life.:D:rolleyes::tongue:I'm not trying to give you a hard time here, I very well understand what you're saying. Did you know that worrying gives you gray hair?:eek: You should see mine. But, yes, keep our eyes on our cars at all times...I even disable my cars in the garage, one secret out, damn, so now I've done it. What a world we live in now...can't even enjoy these unique, fast, beautiful rockets that GM made without worrying about the low lifes getting them. Such a shame, isn't it? :mad:

Bruce '87 Grand National
SalvageV6, I like your idea. Are these heavy duty relays? Or the ones I can get out of a junkyard, standard auto relays ,i.e. a/c, fuel pump, etc.? And what happens when the low life finds the switch? There's no place to really hide a switch on a GN, they know everywhere to look.

Bruce '87 Grand National
alot of good points but let me put my 02 here please

i used to install car audio and alarms, you can install a 2 way remote start if your car cranks after about 3-5 seconds and it'll warm up for you and shutdown and rearm if tampered with while it's unattended and warming up. it will make your alarm remote vibrate, and make a chime of some sort ( chimes vary depending on maker ). you can also pay alittle extra and have the dealer who's installing it run a dummy wire or a few. this is a relay, or power and groundwire that theives look for to make it crank or shut it up. most people ignore alarms these days but if they want it bad enough they will get it. you should be able to pay about 250 for a good brand installed and you can add a colum device or anything else after that for your peace of mind if you want. there are ways around anything you can put on there if you know what your doing. Companies sell the code frequency catchers for remote garage doors and car alarms but they aren't in every thieves hand. they are rare to catch a thief with one and you must have caught their eye for a reason. good insurance (homeowners and auto ) help alot and if your in an apartment then renters. should cover your car fairly well. another thing is if you get an alarm see if you can get a second horn, or add it to where it honks your car horn. rare you find car's that have both and a relay and alittle work make your horn honk so it doesn't sound like everyone elses. the remotes that chirp have about 100 yards and can reach into some stores depending on how big of a store your going into and interferrance. if you have any other ?'s i can answer them about it. that rayveco anti theft device if you want but i want to know what's going on and i would confront anyone trying to steal my car guess that's why i keep it parked behind 3 others in my driveway surrounded by cement colums and steel fence. if you want my car from my house good luck and tell your maker i'll see him later.

I like bretts story read the whole thing, shows what someone goes through for their pride and joy. i know why you still have your toys now. bet you wised you got 4-6 of those cables back then.
yes you can add a siren

A thought has crossed my mind...wonder if it would be possible to put a few sirens on the car and use a separate battery to power them? :D

adding a relay and wiring it to your existing alarm would make your horn honk when your siren was going off. i've seen this installed but never did one myself. it's different and as TR's aren't common as others we see on the street. there is a battery operated siren or louder siren you can add to any alarm incase your battery is messed with or something goes dead. works off a 9V battery and you'll have to change it roughly once a year and use a good brand battery.
so basically i just turn my wheels to the right or left and i should be fine

That makes it harder to load on a flatbed .If they do load it on a flatbed they got balls. Its not like using a dynamic 30 seconds and your driving away.I repoed some cars that had wheel turned all the way makes it fun :biggrin: on a flatbed the tire usually jumps the rail and the chances of the cops pulling the driver over are good..These cars are not safe left alone.
A boots not a bad idea, and i considered it for a long time lol. But I may be shooting myself in the foot by using one. If I'm in a nice part of town, and I boot my car to keep it safe while I'm out, and a flatbed driving around just happens to see it, and starts loading my car on, most people will not pay any mind, as they will assume it was a city boot, and that it's now time to be towed. Again, by the city. I just keep it in my site, and that's that. Any other way, and it's gone.
I'm an amatuer locksmith by hobby, and if you knew the stuff I knew, you'd never sleep at night. I can get into ANY one of your guys lock in no time. lol. There's one lock I cant bust, and for that one, I'd just use a makita cordless die ginder. No worries.
So like bruce said, worrying about these cars is crazy. I know because I worry about mine probably like no other. I am absolutely fanatical about my buick, and will probably hurt someone really bad if they ever layed a hand on my car. If I can't keep my eye on it, it stays in the garage. :( I know it sucks too. I wish we didn't live in this non integrity having society.
I didn't see your question until today Bruce. :eek:

3PDT or 4PDT, 3Amp., relays that fit into a socket with screw terminals work nice, NTE makes them in 12 volt coils.

My switch isn't hidden but says something a thief wouldn't even look for or at.

You could always "hide" it next to a siren activated switch as well that can't be easily cancelled.

That way if a thief starts throwing non-hidden switches the alarm would go off, or another kill switch could be activated.

It's easy to hide a switch well enough I think though...

NTE Electronics Part #: R95-117 is the socket number.

NTE Electronics Part #: R12-17D3-12 is the relay, you can skip the socket and solder directly to this relay if you want to the solder tabs are made for both plug in and soldering.
I didn't see your question until today Bruce. :eek:

3PDT or 4PDT, 3Amp., relays that fit into a socket with screw terminals work nice, NTE makes them in 12 volt coils.

My switch isn't hidden but says something a thief wouldn't even look for or at.

You could always "hide" it next to a siren activated switch as well that can't be easily cancelled.

That way if a thief starts throwing non-hidden switches the alarm would go off, or another kill switch could be activated.

It's easy to hide a switch well enough I think though...

NTE Electronics Part #: R95-117 is the socket number.

NTE Electronics Part #: R12-17D3-12 is the relay, you can skip the socket and solder directly to this relay if you want to the solder tabs are made for both plug in and soldering.

SalvageV6, no problem. Not in a hurry. Considering all ways to "try" to keep up to date with theftproofing my GN. The relay question was answered well...I will keep those part numbers handy. Those are the kind of relays I'm looking for. I am seriously considering ravelco, but would have to travel all the way down to North Carolina from Virginia for an install. I think this is, in combination with your setup, is best for me. But, plenty of GN is still on it's "pedstals." (that's...jackstands:rolleyes:) Still working on it. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. By the way, the help you gave me on hooking up my rearview mirror/light hookup works just great. The mirror lights come on when I open the door, and they work independantly also, with the door closed. I can't thank you enough for guiding me through the wiring/testing procedure. From reading your posts...I'm guessing you're either an electrician or an electrical engineer. But, thanks a million. I'm glad I could rely on you. You went out of your way to help me. I'll never forget that.

Bruce '87 Grand National
When I put mine in the garage I put it in there nose in with the wheels turned all the way left or right and then I park the 4-Runner in front of it. It still can be stolen but they are going to have a fun time trying to get it out of the garage with the wheels cranked.

When I leave it in a parking lot (which rarely happens) I have a starter cut off switch that is hidden. If I stop to eat somewhere I will sit at a table where I can keep an eye on it.

The one thing I have learned in my life is that nobody can be trusted!
Steering Wheel

Im Going To Get Ravelco,a Removable steering wheel,a viper alarm,GPs Tracking Device and that lock thing u guys were talking about to put around the steering wheel
Years ago I designed an anti-carjacking device. It used a hidden switch in the console and interfaced with the ignition module.

The thief would steal your car, and pure curiosity would make him look in the console. Once he opened the lid, he would trigger a timed circuit that would wait 3 minutes, then randomly mess with spark sync in the ignition. The car would start running terribly, and if he tried to come to a stop. it'd die. Then it would not restart.

You could draw a 1 mile circle around the spot the car was stolen, and definitely find your car abandoned on the road within that circle.

It also doubled as an anti-theft device. Prop the console slightly open and the car won't start. Ever. But it had a special feature in it so if you needed to go into your console for say, sunglasses, you could bypass it temporarily.

Never did really catch on though. I thought it was a good idea...:)