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What is the best anti theft device i can get for my car


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C'mom, they have crime in Rochester?:eek:

I imagine you are talking about a location other than your house that it would get stolen from. NOTHING will stop someone who wants it. First thing is to realize it is a car, most likely the second most expensive thing you will ever buy, and we just park them in the street and outside with all the wackoes. This actually took me some time to realize. Second get good stated insurance, so if it does get stolen at least you can buy a better one. (Some people get life insurance for this very reason:eek::biggrin:) Regarding anti-theft devices, that Ravelco looks good, a starter/fuel pump kill, anti-theft chip, steadfast and a nice GPS alarm system are great ideas. Some alarms/GPS let you know when the car has been moved a certain amount of feet from a specific location. That is pretty cool. You can then call the cops, get internet access, and see exactly where your car is. Most cops don't care about Lojack, but if you call them and tell them your car was just stolen and you know where it is this second, boy do they love a car chase. Believe me you'll get it back.
They have these new tow trucks that can lift a parrallel parked car that is blocked in from the front and back in about 20 seconds. Funny thing is the tow trucks are getting stolen like crazy:rolleyes: Parking your car with the wheels turned to the left and the right can help, but it can also mean that your car will be severely damaged if it hits another car when being towed and loaded.HTH.
Turning the wheels isn't going to stop them from putting it on a suggested put several different deterents on it...that's all you can do...try to deter stated if they really want's gone...
im gonna get a good alarm maybe ravelco and good insurance,think thats my only defense

C'mom, they have crime in Rochester?:eek:

I imagine you are talking about a location other than your house that it would get stolen from. NOTHING will stop someone who wants it. First thing is to realize it is a car, most likely the second most expensive thing you will ever buy, and we just park them in the street and outside with all the wackoes. This actually took me some time to realize. Second get good stated insurance, so if it does get stolen at least you can buy a better one. (Some people get life insurance for this very reason:eek::biggrin:) Regarding anti-theft devices, that Ravelco looks good, a starter/fuel pump kill, anti-theft chip, steadfast and a nice GPS alarm system are great ideas. Some alarms/GPS let you know when the car has been moved a certain amount of feet from a specific location. That is pretty cool. You can then call the cops, get internet access, and see exactly where your car is. Most cops don't care about Lojack, but if you call them and tell them your car was just stolen and you know where it is this second, boy do they love a car chase. Believe me you'll get it back.
They have these new tow trucks that can lift a parrallel parked car that is blocked in from the front and back in about 20 seconds. Funny thing is the tow trucks are getting stolen like crazy:rolleyes: Parking your car with the wheels turned to the left and the right can help, but it can also mean that your car will be severely damaged if it hits another car when being towed and loaded.HTH.

i hate to say it but yes they have alota crime,theirs alota showoffs here that wanna be cooll so they think taking ppls car and joyriding it then trashing it is the thing to do,their was a group of kids going up my street with a hammer smashing everyones windows and stealing their stuff,im posting this so if they do any of these thing atleast i put up a fight for it
im gonna get a good alarm maybe ravelco and good insurance,think thats my only defense

NOT a good insurance policy YOU want an Agreed Value Insurance Policy !

It functions by an insured and an insurer reaching an agreement concerning the value of a property at the time the policy is purchased. In the event of an event or disaster resulting in total loss, an insured receives the agreed value of their property.

Your insurance company will likey want and up to date appraisal.

Later AJ
I was planning on using a Touch LED switch. They are at autozone for 10,nice hidden switch doesnt look like anything. put that somewhere hidden or in plan sight, powers on/off the ECM(power wire), along with a Fuel pump kill switch(power) The more the better. Sometimes the cheap easy swicth is best but if they really want the car they will get it. So best thing is, custom alarm/switch only you know about it. Dont tell nobody, not your wife.girlfriend,brother, dont let anyone see you either. :cool: BTW i use to be a tow truck driver, turning the wheels slowed us down. Normal car that needed to be towed with the wheels turned, we had to use dollys(jacks with wheels<lock n lift tires) So i can see how if its a normal tow truck not a flatbed this will help. Now again if they really want it they will get it, its more of a out of sight out, of mind thing. Don't let nobody follow you home,take backstreets, whatever until you are alone, cover the car, put it in the backyard. This is why i wish Turbo tweak had a switch on it like the ultra chip does. 0 setting you can't start the car(unless you go to setting 1). So again I have a clifford 400$alarm i dont feel safe. I unplug my fuel pump(hotwire plugs) atleast when she is left alone on the street. I live in san antonio, i left my TR in a parking lot alone, at 11 at night downtown. Unplugged my fuel pump, lock my doors, turn my alarm on. Got out of the bar at 2am, she was still there. There is always lojack BTW
A rabid pitbull with AIDS. And post signs of such in the windows. If I were a thief, I would stay the hell away from that car. :eek:
A rabid pitbull with AIDS. And post signs of such in the windows. If I were a thief, I would stay the hell away from that car. :eek:

i think a rapid pitbull with aids and a trunk monkey with that shotgun on be able to leave my car anywhere ;)
I read this once on this board for a similar anti-theft question. Maybe the person who said it can take credit for it.

The best anti theft device is to ask you wife to sleep in your car. That way if your car IS stolen... it won't be a total loss :)
use lojack and have the vin etched into the windows. most of the police departments do it for free.
A rabid pitbull with AIDS. And post signs of such in the windows. If I were a thief, I would stay the hell away from that car. :eek:

:eek::DI love that one,DJ!!!!Good idea.

And I have a great theft device, but if I told you I'd have to kill you.

Bruce '87 Grand National
A thought has crossed my mind...wonder if it would be possible to put a few sirens on the car and use a separate battery to power them? :D
I had a very, very unusual way of protecting my '66 Corvette Coupe from low life thieves and it worked very well. Down at Davidson Field, Ft. Belvoir, Va., where I was working at the time, I saw these Chinook helicopters using these big 1 1/4 dia wire woven cables to lift heavy equipment for transport, (Jeeps, ammo, portable runways for Vietnam use, portable bridge parts, etc.) After the operation was over, I walked over to one of the pilots and asked if they could spare a few of those cables, as I had a great idea. After I explained what I needed them for, they gave me TWO of those big cables. Each was 6 feet long with a 1 1/4" steel loop on each end. I then took them to the weld shop on base and had them weld the two cables together at the loop.
Got home that night, ran the cables (now one long cable) through the suspension of the Vette, then out and around a telephone pole, then locked the two free steel ends with a Harley Davidson snake cable lock (1"dia, chrome, hardened, segmented, about 3 1/2 feet long, big locking ball on the end.) I did this in my apartment parking lot every damn day, then before I left for work, I got down and unhooked the whole shootmatch, put them in the back of the Vette (a fastback, lots of room.) Then repeated the whole thing again at work then again at night. Seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Alexandria Police department finally met me one night when I called in a theft in progress across the street at a car dealership, idiots stealing parts off a '66 Vette convertible. When I went over to point out the thieves they apprehended, they wondered why I knew so much about the parts taken off that Vette, I told them that I'm the guy who owns that red '66 Vette across the street cabled to the telephone pole. They just about fainted. "That's our meeting point, where we have a check point all the time." "So YOU"RE the guy!!" Yep, I am. They said great idea, as the weekend before, three cars were stolen out of that very parking lot, including a '68 GTO that was parked next to the Vette. They wished me luck, thanked me for calling in the theft in progress and congratulated me for coming up with such a great anti-theft idea. Then took the bad guys to jail. I later testified at their trial and they got 5 years in prison. I didn't help the case at the point when I stood up and said they should be executed by electric chair for stealing cars!! The judge yelled at me saying the wild west was over. And I said, "That's why there's so many car thefts now days." At which point I was thrown out of the court room, but I made my point well. The penalties for car theft now days are a fricken joke. You got HUNG for stealing a guy's transportation (their horse) back then. Now look how lax this idiot system is to our cars being stolen. The lawmakers have no idea how upsetting, hurtful, and horrible it is to have your beloved hot rod stolen. It really, really hurts, especially after all the time, effort, money, and loving care a guy puts into his pride and joy. To wake up in the morning or so, and find their fantastic car gone....that's a heart attack waiting to happen. That's how much we love our pride and joys.
By the way, I still have my '66 Vette, the two big cables, AND the Harley Davidson Cobra cable lock. Going on 37 years. Only because I went through all kinds of trouble to keep my Vette. Sure, I got dirty, wet, muddy, in a suit, mind you, and it was a bitch to do all of this in the rain, snow, sleet, etc., but it's what that car was worth to me to keep the low life trash from taking what I worked so damn hard for. The people at work just couldn't believe how much trouble I went through to keep my car, some even calling me stupid. Which I wisely ignored. I now plan to do this whole operation again to my beloved '87 Grand National, only I will be taking this cable system everywhere I go...just cable up the wheels, suspension and wrap it around anything else that would cause all kinds of noise, sparks, damage, etc. If the thieves want a damaged GN due to my cabling system, after all of that, they can have it. I still meet people who remember this cable system and they can laugh all they want...I still have what I worked for. No one will ever get it. And I top it off by a concealed weapons permit, with a real nice .357. I have been warned by my cop buddies down here that I cannot shoot a car thief. Only if I deemed my life in danger. Threatened, knifed, shot at, etc. How do you like that? But it's true. By the way, one of the engineers I worked with back then told me he could break that cable system easily...all he had to do is pour liquid nitrogen on it, whack it with a hammer and goodbye Vette. Nice. many car thieves carry around bottles of liquid nitrogen?? Think not. Always someone to try and beat my system.

End of boring story. You can wake up now.:redface:

Bruce '87 Grand National
I checked with my local police & was informed, only State Hiway Patrol have LoJack & NO local police have them.

I suggest checking your local police prior to purchasing LoJack.
I read this once on this board for a similar anti-theft question. Maybe the person who said it can take credit for it.

The best anti theft device is to ask you wife to sleep in your car. That way if your car IS stolen... it won't be a total loss :)
Thats funny maybe one of my exes can sleep in my car and keep it safe,while the wife sleeps by
I had a very, very unusual way of protecting my '66 Corvette Coupe from low life thieves and it worked very well. Down at Davidson Field, Ft. Belvoir, Va., where I was working at the time, I saw these Chinook helicopters using these big 1 1/4 dia wire woven cables to lift heavy equipment for transport, (Jeeps, ammo, portable runways for Vietnam use, portable bridge parts, etc.) After the operation was over, I walked over to one of the pilots and asked if they could spare a few of those cables, as I had a great idea. After I explained what I needed them for, they gave me TWO of those big cables. Each was 6 feet long with a 1 1/4" steel loop on each end. I then took them to the weld shop on base and had them weld the two cables together at the loop.
Got home that night, ran the cables (now one long cable) through the suspension of the Vette, then out and around a telephone pole, then locked the two free steel ends with a Harley Davidson snake cable lock (1"dia, chrome, hardened, segmented, about 3 1/2 feet long, big locking ball on the end.) I did this in my apartment parking lot every damn day, then before I left for work, I got down and unhooked the whole shootmatch, put them in the back of the Vette (a fastback, lots of room.) Then repeated the whole thing again at work then again at night. Seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Alexandria Police department finally met me one night when I called in a theft in progress across the street at a car dealership, idiots stealing parts off a '66 Vette convertible. When I went over to point out the thieves they apprehended, they wondered why I knew so much about the parts taken off that Vette, I told them that I'm the guy who owns that red '66 Vette across the street cabled to the telephone pole. They just about fainted. "That's our meeting point, where we have a check point all the time." "So YOU"RE the guy!!" Yep, I am. They said great idea, as the weekend before, three cars were stolen out of that very parking lot, including a '68 GTO that was parked next to the Vette. They wished me luck, thanked me for calling in the theft in progress and congratulated me for coming up with such a great anti-theft idea. Then took the bad guys to jail. I later testified at their trial and they got 5 years in prison. I didn't help the case at the point when I stood up and said they should be executed by electric chair for stealing cars!! The judge yelled at me saying the wild west was over. And I said, "That's why there's so many car thefts now days." At which point I was thrown out of the court room, but I made my point well. The penalties for car theft now days are a fricken joke. You got HUNG for stealing a guy's transportation (their horse) back then. Now look how lax this idiot system is to our cars being stolen. The lawmakers have no idea how upsetting, hurtful, and horrible it is to have your beloved hot rod stolen. It really, really hurts, especially after all the time, effort, money, and loving care a guy puts into his pride and joy. To wake up in the morning or so, and find their fantastic car gone....that's a heart attack waiting to happen. That's how much we love our pride and joys.
By the way, I still have my '66 Vette, the two big cables, AND the Harley Davidson Cobra cable lock. Going on 37 years. Only because I went through all kinds of trouble to keep my Vette. Sure, I got dirty, wet, muddy, in a suit, mind you, and it was a bitch to do all of this in the rain, snow, sleet, etc., but it's what that car was worth to me to keep the low life trash from taking what I worked so damn hard for. The people at work just couldn't believe how much trouble I went through to keep my car, some even calling me stupid. Which I wisely ignored. I now plan to do this whole operation again to my beloved '87 Grand National, only I will be taking this cable system everywhere I go...just cable up the wheels, suspension and wrap it around anything else that would cause all kinds of noise, sparks, damage, etc. If the thieves want a damaged GN due to my cabling system, after all of that, they can have it. I still meet people who remember this cable system and they can laugh all they want...I still have what I worked for. No one will ever get it. And I top it off by a concealed weapons permit, with a real nice .357. I have been warned by my cop buddies down here that I cannot shoot a car thief. Only if I deemed my life in danger. Threatened, knifed, shot at, etc. How do you like that? But it's true. By the way, one of the engineers I worked with back then told me he could break that cable system easily...all he had to do is pour liquid nitrogen on it, whack it with a hammer and goodbye Vette. Nice. many car thieves carry around bottles of liquid nitrogen?? Think not. Always someone to try and beat my system.

End of boring story. You can wake up now.:redface:

Bruce '87 Grand National
wow thats a great idea just wish i had the time to do ALL that.lmao!
I checked with my local police & was informed, only State Hiway Patrol have LoJack & NO local police have them.

I suggest checking your local police prior to purchasing LoJack.

yea i think im gonna have to think like a criminal to protect my car,that seems like the best solution right now
That's funny. I messed with liquid nitrogen all sorts of ways in science class, and it never did what it seemed to do in the movies. I tried freezing all sorts of stuff with it.. it got no colder than if I left it on my porch for a day. (in 9 degree weather). I'd like to see him try and break cable that thick with liquid nitrogen...
Though, I could be thru that cable in NO time, with a battery powered cut off wheel and a tow truck. As the guy was slipping those little adjustable frames under your front wheels, I'd be sawing the cable. It would take literally no longer than 60 seconds to make your car disappear. And lojack.. heheheh. Even a rudimentary knowledge of radio and/or microwaves will tell you there's several ways to defeat the lojack system.

The only way is to keep your eye on it, or to box it in with a few other cars...
With Bruce's system I would probably forget it was on there and end up pulling down the pole it was attached to.:) And with my luck it would end up on top of the car.
I had a very, very unusual way of protecting my '66 Corvette Coupe from low life thieves and it worked very well. Down at Davidson Field, Ft. Belvoir, Va., where I was working at the time, I saw these Chinook helicopters using these big 1 1/4 dia wire woven cables to lift heavy equipment for transport, (Jeeps, ammo, portable runways for Vietnam use, portable bridge parts, etc.) After the operation was over, I walked over to one of the pilots and asked if they could spare a few of those cables, as I had a great idea. After I explained what I needed them for, they gave me TWO of those big cables. Each was 6 feet long with a 1 1/4" steel loop on each end. I then took them to the weld shop on base and had them weld the two cables together at the loop.
Got home that night, ran the cables (now one long cable) through the suspension of the Vette, then out and around a telephone pole, then locked the two free steel ends with a Harley Davidson snake cable lock (1"dia, chrome, hardened, segmented, about 3 1/2 feet long, big locking ball on the end.) I did this in my apartment parking lot every damn day, then before I left for work, I got down and unhooked the whole shootmatch, put them in the back of the Vette (a fastback, lots of room.) Then repeated the whole thing again at work then again at night. Seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Alexandria Police department finally met me one night when I called in a theft in progress across the street at a car dealership, idiots stealing parts off a '66 Vette convertible. When I went over to point out the thieves they apprehended, they wondered why I knew so much about the parts taken off that Vette, I told them that I'm the guy who owns that red '66 Vette across the street cabled to the telephone pole. They just about fainted. "That's our meeting point, where we have a check point all the time." "So YOU"RE the guy!!" Yep, I am. They said great idea, as the weekend before, three cars were stolen out of that very parking lot, including a '68 GTO that was parked next to the Vette. They wished me luck, thanked me for calling in the theft in progress and congratulated me for coming up with such a great anti-theft idea. Then took the bad guys to jail. I later testified at their trial and they got 5 years in prison. I didn't help the case at the point when I stood up and said they should be executed by electric chair for stealing cars!! The judge yelled at me saying the wild west was over. And I said, "That's why there's so many car thefts now days." At which point I was thrown out of the court room, but I made my point well. The penalties for car theft now days are a fricken joke. You got HUNG for stealing a guy's transportation (their horse) back then. Now look how lax this idiot system is to our cars being stolen. The lawmakers have no idea how upsetting, hurtful, and horrible it is to have your beloved hot rod stolen. It really, really hurts, especially after all the time, effort, money, and loving care a guy puts into his pride and joy. To wake up in the morning or so, and find their fantastic car gone....that's a heart attack waiting to happen. That's how much we love our pride and joys.
By the way, I still have my '66 Vette, the two big cables, AND the Harley Davidson Cobra cable lock. Going on 37 years. Only because I went through all kinds of trouble to keep my Vette. Sure, I got dirty, wet, muddy, in a suit, mind you, and it was a bitch to do all of this in the rain, snow, sleet, etc., but it's what that car was worth to me to keep the low life trash from taking what I worked so damn hard for. The people at work just couldn't believe how much trouble I went through to keep my car, some even calling me stupid. Which I wisely ignored. I now plan to do this whole operation again to my beloved '87 Grand National, only I will be taking this cable system everywhere I go...just cable up the wheels, suspension and wrap it around anything else that would cause all kinds of noise, sparks, damage, etc. If the thieves want a damaged GN due to my cabling system, after all of that, they can have it. I still meet people who remember this cable system and they can laugh all they want...I still have what I worked for. No one will ever get it. And I top it off by a concealed weapons permit, with a real nice .357. I have been warned by my cop buddies down here that I cannot shoot a car thief. Only if I deemed my life in danger. Threatened, knifed, shot at, etc. How do you like that? But it's true. By the way, one of the engineers I worked with back then told me he could break that cable system easily...all he had to do is pour liquid nitrogen on it, whack it with a hammer and goodbye Vette. Nice. many car thieves carry around bottles of liquid nitrogen?? Think not. Always someone to try and beat my system.

End of boring story. You can wake up now.:redface:

Bruce '87 Grand National
Bruce, paragraphs bud. I got dizzy after the first 5 lines.
Damn, you're right GMBRETT. I got eyeache too, after going back and reading it. I was concentrating so hard on trying to explain all of that, I forgot to do it in paragraphs. Thanks for pointing this out, I definatelly will do it your way the next time. Sorry. Now....take two asprins and go to bed.:wink:

Bruce '87 Grand National