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What is the differents between ISAC & Alkycontrol System?


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Isn't there a way you guys can work together? Doesn't the Isac just compliment Razor's system? You guys should work together, and let customers decide if they would like the Isac with their Alky kit? Seems like a win win to me. As long as when customers ask questions they get an unbiased answer about either controller. In my opinion all of the responses from Julio that I've ever read actually seem unbiased. Even when what he has said might go against his system. That's why I always respect his opinion. Both of you are making Buick performance better, so I would like to see you work together. If not oh well. You both still have great products. Thanks. Dave
There is "nothing" between us... You are right, you can use our controller with the rest of Razors kit... It is kinda like a FAST vs a stock computer... Both works just different ways of getting there....

I don't mean to knock AlkyControl at all. Great system!
I didn't think either one of you were knocking each others system. I just think it would be cool if you guys worked out some package deals?
I didn't think either one of you were knocking each others system. I just think it would be cool if you guys worked out some package deals?

Cool, I just wanted to clear up any confusion!

Thanks for the input!!!