what the hell is wrong with people?!

Vendor Defendor

Out the window
Nov 25, 2002
City Tries to Block Concert Suicide Plan

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (Reuters) - City officials in St. Petersburg, Florida, passed a law on Monday banning public suicides in an attempt to prevent a rock band from carrying out a planned suicide at a concert.

The band Hell on Earth said on its Web site, www.hellonearth.net, that a terminally ill member of the Euthanasia Society would commit suicide at the concert at an undisclosed location in St. Petersburg. The band said it planned to show the event on its Web site.

"This is about standing up for what you believe in and I am a strong supporter of physician-assisted suicide," band leader Billy Tourtelot said in a statement posted on the Web site.

"This performance will go in its entirety and it will be in St. Petersburg on Oct. 4," Tourtelot said.

The St. Petersburg City Council held an emergency meeting on Monday and passed an ordinance to ban public suicides. City officials are also seeking a court injunction to stop the performance.

The St. Petersburg-based band is known for its outrageous acts. At one concert, dead rats were put into a blender and some audience members drank the concoction.

The concert featuring the suicide had been scheduled to take place at the State Theater in St. Petersburg but the manager canceled it after he learned about the planned suicide.

i got that off Yahoo. here is the link for the story,


there are some weird people in this world...

Good choice for the title of the thread. I'm not sure what to think of those guys and their fans but...some of them may need psychological help...and I'm not so sure they should be gathering together in one place. :confused: Yikes!
Misguided kids.....said, said world we live in now. Not trying to be on a religious kick, but more people need to get back to fearing God, and going to church more.

Suicide = One way ticket to Hell.
"This is about standing up for what you believe in and I am a strong supporter of physician-assisted suicide," band leader Billy Tourtelot said in a statement posted on the Web site.

Hardeharhar...It's all about $PUBLICITY$-->$Ca-ching$!
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
Misguided kids.....said, said world we live in now. Not trying to be on a religious kick, but more people need to get back to fearing God, and going to church more.

Suicide = One way ticket to Hell.

i don't believe that suicide is a ticket to hell.

my great grandfather shot himself to relieve his suffering. He suffered multiple strokes and was in pain for almost the last year of his life. He did nothing wrong, he did not want to become a vegetable.

The people who kill themselves becuase of money, relationships, or whatever else are probably going to hell. People who join "suicide clubs" or whatever are really messed up. I am definately against glorifying suicide or death, i don't know what some of these people are thinking. :confused:
Everybody seems to be overlooking one piece of that story....



I think I'd rather commit suicide than drink a rat milkshake.

I say let the dude off himself. One less person in this world to have to feed.

And suicide is only a "ticket to hell" if you believe that there is indeed a hell. And not everybody believes in a heaven or hell.

Misguided kids.....said, said world we live in now. Not trying to be on a religious kick, but more people need to get back to fearing God, and going to church more.

Suicide = One way ticket to Hell.

I agree with the first statement you made, but I don't believe that commiting suicide automatically sends a person to Hell. I believe as the bible states. If you believe and repent of your sins and ask Jesus to be your own personal savior that your sins are forgiven, ALL sins, past, present, future. Even if you decide to do commit a horrible sin such as suicide. I even believe that even if Adolf Hitler himself would have repented of his sins and asked Jesus to be his personal Lord and Savior, he too would also be in Heaven. Here are some Bible verses that deal with forgiveness of sins. Notice they don't distinguish between different sins. With God, sin is sin, it all has the same punishment, Hell. But, because his son Jesus Christ came to Earth to pay for all of our sins we can instead go to Heaven.:)

Suicide is NOT a one-way ticket to hell. Killing yourself is sin just like any other. If a person is saved thier sins were paid for on the cross including the "sin" of killing yourself. If a certain sin can send you to hell (after becoming saved) then any sin can...and the work on the cross was not finished.
Thanks for backing me up TurboMike. I think a lot of people in the world are misinformed when it comes to this topic.
Originally posted by soonergn
What if you don't believe in it and it turns out that it's really there? DOH!

What if everything you believe is wrong and theres nothing after life but death? What if the buddhists are right? What if the Muslims are right? What if the Jews are right? What if the Satanists are right? Theres only like 5 bazillion organized religions in the world, and most of them think only one can be right. So if there is a hell, its gonna be packed! And unless one of the more "popular" religions is right, heaven might be kinda empty.

Sorry to get off on a tangent there, I have a thing with the hypocracy of organized religions. With so many priests and stuff being convicted of child molestation, it seems like a lot of religions are exactly what I thought they were all along- hoax's. Some you have to donate money to, why? God don't need it. But your pastors mercedes payment is due, and lord knows, if you preach the word of God, you deserve a benz. I work in so many churches, and every one of them brings in a suprisingly large amount of money, and I sure don't see it going anywhere it needs to, except to the officials of the church.

Oh, soonergn, this wasn't directed at you, I just used your quote there. It reminded me of all those bumper stickers, you know the ones that say "If youre living like theres no hell, you'd better be right" or whatever it says. I have exactly as much chance of being "right" as an atheist as you do being christian, baptist, etc. Its all what you believe, just tired of seeing it on bumper stickers and people who critisize you for your beliefs, even though all they have is blind faith. "I believe in God, therefor he is real" Some people believe they can fly, but somehow, they splatter just like we knew they would. Just because you believe it, doesn't make it real. I really wish I could believe in a god, or have faith in something, but when you look at things like 9/11, child molesting priests, child abuse, etc, I just can't believe its all supposed to happen, or god let it happen. I think we are just people, like animals are just animals, and rocks are just rocks. When you die, you just die. Maybe one day something will happen to me to change my mind, but you won't ever hear me say "Its in Gods hands", because thats crap. Its in YOUR hands, don't rely on your hope that everything will be OK, because it may not be.

I'll shut up now, I'm sure I offended enough people today. :D
I will keep this short even though I have a lot to say. I do understand where you are coming from. Since I am the son of a minister, I have seen hypocrites in the church left and right. But that doesn't mean we all are. Also my fathers job is neither easy or well paying. He is on the job almost 24hrs a day. The church office is at his home. If someone needs advice they call him. If they need some financial assistance they call him. He is always very busy. He almost never takes a vacation. And I can assure you that he only makes enough to get by.

Regarding things like 9/11 and other disturbing things that happen in the world, God has given every one free will. They have a choice to do as they would like. You can believe in him or not, it's your choice. But if you don't believe in him, does that mean he isn't there. We are definitely not animals. God created us in his image. We have a soul, they don't. We can reason, they can't.
If you rely on yourself, you WILL fail. Without question. If you tell yourself that you can do something all on your own, you are being proud. And pride goes before a fall.

Also, where do you think our planet and all the universes came from? It is absolutely impossible that it all just came about. Someone had to create it, it was God.
Originally posted by turbosam6
Some you have to donate money to, why? God don't need it. But your pastors mercedes payment is due, and lord knows, if you preach the word of God, you deserve a benz. I work in so many churches, and every one of them brings in a suprisingly large amount of money, and I sure don't see it going anywhere it needs to, except to the officials of the church.

I have heard a pretty wise man say that the reason God haves us give, is not what it does for him, but what it does for us and our spiritual growth. As you noted, God doesn't need our money because it's not ours we are just watching over it for him. Many people have said when they started tithing, that they received more blessings and had better finances than ever before, not to mention what it does for your soul to give. Its a wonderful feeling. I am no bible thumper, just relaying what I have heard and agreed with.
Regarding things like 9/11 and other disturbing things that happen in the world, God has given every one free will. They have a choice to do as they would like. You can believe in him or not, it's your choice. But if you don't believe in him, does that mean he isn't there. We are definitely not animals. God created us in his image. We have a soul, they don't. We can reason, they can't.
If you rely on yourself, you WILL fail. Without question. If you tell yourself that you can do something all on your own, you are being proud. And pride goes before a fall.

Also, where do you think our planet and all the universes came from? It is absolutely impossible that it all just came about. Someone had to create it, it was God. [/B][/QUOTE]

"For man will hearken to his glozing lies,
And easily transgress the sole command,
Sole pledge of his obedience: so will fall,
He and his failthless progeny: whose fault?
Whose but his own? Ingrate, he had of me
All he could have; I made him just and right,
Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall."

"...Though free to fall"

- Milton

With that I will say to you: I DON'T believe he's there but if he is, then he won't fault me for NOT believing. Thus, don't make bold statements like "It is absolutely impossible that it all just came about." You'd be better off prefacing a statement like that with "I believe" or "In my humble opinion".

The main reason why people like ME don't subscribe to a particular religion is because of people like YOU.

Oh yeah Equalizer, I just got "owned" :rolleyes:

Well put Striker-29.

I completely understand that you have every right to believe what you want to believe. That is why we live in America, right? I am not trying to bash you or your belief. I am just trying to clear some misconceptions up. I don't mean to offend you. But I would also like to mention one very important point. I understand you don't believe in God. But let me tell you one thing, what you believe matters. Let's look at some of the events that have happened in the past. Adolf Hitler believed that Jews were to blame for his problems. He had millions of them killed. The religion of Islam teaches that it is okay to kill in the name of Allah, which led up to the 9/11 massacre.
The truth of the Bible has been proven over and over. No one can disprove any of it. Also, think about the complexity of the human anatomy. How everything works perfectly. You think that just happened? I'm sorry, but that is impossible.
Quick WE4,
I didn't mean to offend you. But, can you prove to me that he didn't creat it? And will he fault you for not believing? Yes indeed he will. Judgement will come to everyone. Those that have rejected him will have to face the punishment.