What to use to remove PAINT from aluminum intake?


Torque wins
May 24, 2001
I have a headgasket job to do soon. I was looking at the intake and noticed the intake (painted black) had chips of paint falling off. I would like to strip all the paint off the intake, paint it aluminum, and clear coat it, and seal it. WHAT DO I USE?

Aircraft stripper. U can get it at most paint/body shop suppliers. It comes in qts and gallons, so U can get just the amt you need for a job.
Water will neutralize it, then a shot of Purple Stuff, or alum wheel cleaner will finish the job by cleaning the pores out, making the the alum ready for the clearcoat.. I use Eastwoods clear[spray bomb] for alum. You don't get a shiny finish, but it keeps the crud from soaking into the pores. Makes for easier cleaning down the road...:D
Glass bead them, it removes paint plus it gives the aluminum a surface that won't stain or discolor easily. Take a look at the engine photos in my webshots page, I've done the intake, valve covers and compressor housing. They have an almost polished finish that won't need paint. In fact paint wouldn't look as good.