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What's the largest possible cubic inch?


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I use pieces of duct tape stacked together (each piece is about .010") and painted it with magic marker. As we rotated the combo it would transfer the magic marker to the rod so you could see exactly where to remove material. After getting one done I made a fixture to clearance the others on the bench,at least pretty close, then did this procedure again to each one. I used .040" clearance because of the valve springs I run defenetly bow the cam down. Havent seen any signs there there has been any close calls with that clearance. Mike:cool:
I dont see how you can get a decent rod in there with a 3.75 or larger stroke. Deck isnt tall enough and the cam location isnt high enough. Might be ok for drag racing but most of the roundy round stuff was 3.59 stroke. Reportedly they had a much higher reliability at that stroke vs. 3.625.