What's the worst thing anyone has said to you lately

Him: (the local bzbody/gossip) What are you doing hese days?

Me: "Just trying to mind my own business."
Last weekend in Valdosta, we had some damage in the final qualifying run, so we were thrashing, having only thirty minutes between rounds. A valvestem lash cap had come off, and found its way into the motor during the previous run. We had to change the blower, replace four bent pushrods, two broken rockers, one head gasket, and find the lash cap. This, along with the usual between-run maintenance.

Our beloved crew chief, Mister F'ing Personality, to me:

"Goddamm!t, don't you know what the fuk you're doing?!?!"

...this, in front of about a hundred people, including a camera crew from the Men's Channel for Adrenaline...The Series.

Twenty minutes later, he realized it was the new guy's mistake...after the cameras were off. He had forgotten to set the lash on #2 and #4. I'm going to commit murder if that clip airs.

BTW, we made the call. And our driver red-lighted. :mad: