Whats your least favorite band/ musician?


My cars suck
Jul 24, 2001
Everyones got that one band or musician that they really hate. For me, any one of the boy bands. My g/f hates Whitney Houston.

I'm not sure if I hate boy bands or country music more.
boy bands aren't musicians.

the one i can't stand is radiohead.i just want to bash that whiny little bastard with a shovel.
Macy grey :mad: who the hell signed that abomination

any gold toof, bling bling rap artist. (white or black) I like rap, just not the posers

artist who don't know when to stop...they just keep going and going although their music has gone right down the tubes but the cattle like public still buys it "just because" I call'em pity purchases. (ie Stones, Aerosmith etc...)
WOW, try likes any of the fluff metal bands of the 80's and 90's. Also any of the heavy metal ones that survived to play today. As far as individual musicians, try Bruce Springstein (can't figure how someone with every song just like the last is called the boss) and Barry Manilow (Mr vocal valium). Just my opinion. Mark :D
The Boss

Bruce Springsteen is a no talent bum. When I hear his voice I want to rip my eardrums out, and jump in front of a speeding bus. Some of my other least favorites in no particular order:

1. Dixie Chunks
2. Marylin Manson (with the exception of 1 song)
3. John Tesh
4. Nsync
5. Madonna
Vanilla Ice! Yeah, he played here last year. He tried to score with my then secretary. She laughed at him. Everyone liked Ice Ice baby when it came out, admit it. Then he tried to rock. WTF?!?!

Speaking of posers, Fred Durst anyone?
Anybody that RAPS or RAP groups. Talk about absolute grabage...absolute TRASH... Ludacriss, Death Row Record types and other low-life thugs. Let'em kill each other....
Let's see...michael bolton, michael jackson, george michael, boy george, and boy bands as a whole. This is my list of people who should be locked in a porta-potty and set afire:D
It would have to be Marylin Manson. It is just the biggest freak ive ever seen. What is his/hers purpose? Just cant stand to look at it.
One word: Yanni

Come on guys, raps not that bad. I like rap mixed with rock. Like some cypress hill. Anyone go to the Anthrax/ Public Enemy concert back around 1992? That was cool stuff. Except for the opening act, which was a rap group called "Young black teenagers". It was actually 3 white kids, and boy did they suck. they got boo'ed big time. You know you suck when the beach ball starts flyin' and you're at a rock concert. Their "tour bus" was a clapped out old chevy van. Then Primus also opened for them, which was sweet. Ahhh, the good old days. I was deaf for 2 days after that one.
Yeah, run-dmc was pretty cool. One more that I forgot to list earlier--clay aiken (clay d lang as we call him) Hard pressed to tell you what's more annoying-the hair or "his" butchery of "bridge over troubled water"