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Quick Turbo V6

Define stock!
May 24, 2001
Who makes the tool to pull the wastegate rod on to the puck stud? I thought CAS made it but I dont see it on their web site. Its like a t-handle looking thing:D

You can do it manually with a big set of pliars.

Just stand in front of the car and with the pliars on the rod pull to the left and place over the puck stud. If you are handy, put the pliars close to the end so you can pull the stud and rod towards each other. This will keep the stud from moving on you.

You can use the same clip to hold it in place as used on the crusie control unit.
Kirban has them for sale. $12 I think.

I made two, well ok my toolmaker at work made two for me.

Couple of cuts and bends on 3/16" aluminum and media blast the thing. Came out perfect. :)