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SignUp Now!I'd like to correct that it was painted with a lot of beers. Paint was complete at 2:00 am I believe after starting the prep work at like 7:00am that same day. Car was picked up at like 2:00pm the next day. I agree with you, it was a blast and we all had a great time! I'll always be in debt to you and all the other guys that gave their time to help out!and I liked you...LOL......for the record...that car was done in a total of about 48 hours....for free...alot of labor from was not about being a show car but a bonding...people getting together..having a few beers and telling stories and sharing....something...the Buick Community seems to have forgotten....some say its about going fast with class...which in the past few years seems to have gotten lost....which in it's self is sad.....the whole process on Art's car is a memory I will keep....and have made numerous Friends because of it....and introduced me to a larger Buick community....this is why I stay involved....there will always be rivalries....which will help keeping the cars getting faster and faster....BUT the BS needs to stop....just my opinion.....but I think the Buick Community on the whole will be better off
BUT the BS needs to stop....just my opinion.....but I think the Buick Community on the whole will be better off
WOW, there's an imposter from the past! Hey buddy; glad you crawled out from under your rock. It's sad that you have to hide behind a screen name to post on any board other than the GSCA board but then you can control things over there. We tracked down who you are a long time ago. You really need to get smart enough if you want to hide but then we’ll just track you down again.
I'd call you out again like I did 2-3 years ago but upon advice of legal counsel I'm told not to give you my opinion and call you out by name. It's nice to see you come out of the bat cave.
As for my purple hydraulic suspended car, it was your worse nightmare in Norwalk seeing me bang off low 9’s as you were hauling your car up on the trailer yet again frustrated that you couldn’t break into the 9’s with your $80K total build. Must hurt when my low budget car can do it with a tired motor and failing coil pack. Then to have to stand there and watch the TSO finals (you were hiding next to the bleachers watching but our people spotted you) only to see me win. That must have been a very long 10-hour tow home with your 10-second ride…
Is it safe for me to ASSume Lou S. is Ron Joseph from this post?
Is it safe for me to ASSume Lou S. is Ron Joseph from this post?
Some of us were very clearly told we would not be allowed in the gates and were not wanted or welcome. After being told that publicly why would anyone want to go?SCREW THE RULES!!!
AND SCREW GAS PRICES!!! Everybody come to bg anyway!!!
This'll be my first time there this year, and I wanna see nothin but smack talkin, buick racin, beer drinkin, hell raisin and naked women! anybody in the buick community who has had problems wit each other in the past can settle it once and for all like real men at the car wash with the pressure hoses.
Some of us were very clearly told we would not be allowed in the gates and were not wanted or welcome. After being told that publicly why would anyone want to go?
I’m sure this year will be the best event ever so you picked a good first one to attend.![]()
I'm outta the loop and haven't been around long, why did this happen? If this is something that has been beat to death, or is touchy, can someone link me to a thread, or pm me? gotta be a good reason for you and others to be treated this way. I'm kind of slow sometimes, I was dropped on my head as a child, so if this is something obvious that I should've
picked up on already in this thread, sorry. :tongue: Does this have anything to do with some buicks showing up that aren't buick powered?
I have heard that the numbers for bowling green turn out have been dwindling down and down every year, less and less cars and vendors.
ulp!!! never mind, your the gbodyparts race car driver, didn't notice that before, I think I did hear about that one, probably don't know all the facts, so I don't have a opinion. regardless, COME ANYWAY!!! We'll storm the gates!!! I'd love to see the gbodyparts car race!!! plus, its my first bg! I want to see everybody from!!!
I'm still not sure what really happened with Arts DQ last year. I really hope that we can all work together and come together with a set of rules so we all have a place to go at the same time and race and have a good time. This is the 1st year I have not made it to BG since 2003 when I got back into racing. I know I'm going to miss it. I have high hopes that the powers within BG will adopt the TSO point series rules next year and then those who are upset by the problems in the past can put them to rest. Safe travels and good racing to everybody.
I'm outta the loop and haven't been around long, why did this happen? If this is something that has been beat to death, or is touchy, can someone link me to a thread, or pm me? gotta be a good reason for you and others to be treated this way. I'm kind of slow sometimes, I was dropped on my head as a child, so if this is something obvious that I should've
picked up on already in this thread, sorry. :tongue: Does this have anything to do with some buicks showing up that aren't buick powered?
I have heard that the numbers for bowling green turn out have been dwindling down and down every year, less and less cars and vendors.
>>> Hi TB3,
It would take years to go back and rehash between all the parties and lawyers etc etc and the bottom line is some people will never get along nor attend the nats nor other Buick events and that's fine. We are all Buick consumers and can decide where and when to spend our Buick dollars wisely at the events of our choosing. Pick your sandbox I suppose and play in it and have fun is the bottom line.
I myself have been a big proponent of healing a shattered/splintered community thru PM's, possible sit down dinners, prayer vigils etc but to no avail. I have said it before we are a small community, we are not the Ford or Chevy guys with many, IMO we are the red headed stepchildren of GM.
I think Abraham Lincoln said it best "A house divided against itself cannot stand" and that IMO applies to the Buick community.
To those attending the nats in a couple weeks, safe travels, good weather and good racing to all.