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Why did so many people have to die during 9/11


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
I dont know about you guys but 9/11 constantly weighs on my mind and is especially disturbing when this time of year rolls around. I dont know if any of you have watched this movie but I thought it would be a good discussion topic. What do you guys honestly think happened and why?:confused: :mad: :(

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

R.I.P. We will never forget.
wow , thats funny you have that link.....when i saw your post (before I saw the link) I was going to send it to you.....I'm not sure what to think about that really bothered me for a while (I'm a firefighter) I still don't know what to think...makes some sense...I just hope its not true!

don't forget about the Charleston 9!!!!!!!!!
Ride for Charleston 9 this is a guy from my dept. help if you can
I would hate to think it was an inside job but sometimes money is more important than life. Who was greedier, our government or Osama? I just feel horrible for all of those people, families, friends. Why did they have to die becuase of someone elses greed. Whoever did it are some sick sick people and I hope they rot in hell.
I've seen that video before and I still don't see any real evidence for a conspiracy theory. The history channel actually made a program to debunk pretty much everything that they bring up. Set your TIVO for "The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction." One or two of their ideas COULD be plausible, but to me they're reaching pretty far to say that the government knew exactly what was going to happen, or even worse, actually planned and helped execute it. The government can't keep small secrets, so to me it's about impossible that everyone involved with such a horrible and large scale conspiracy could keep it to themselves. I should note that I tend to doubt all conspiracy theories.

Either way, it was a very tragic day that changed the course of history, and no matter how many times I watch that second plane hit that tower, I am still shocked. There's just no way to describe it. I can't imagine what the victims' families went through.
I know some people think it's disrespectful to the victims to even acknowledge some of these conspiracy theories but these days I think it's good to question everything instead of accepting what the media "allows" you to know as 100% truth. It might be far-fetched to say the government carried out 9/11 but on the other hand there certainly were certain individuals who would benefit from going to war in Iraq, so there is reason to wonder if something fishy went down.
We all hear so much crap these days, Who knows what's true and what's bs. Anythings possible
The Loose Change guys are idiots exploiting other (truther) idiots. period.

There is ZERO actual evidence to support the whole "truther" movement.

These are the same guys that said a missile hit the pentagon, the 767's that hit the WTC were remotely controlled and thought that a building that was hit with a 300,000lb plane full of fuel traveling 550 mph needed "explosive charges" to bring in down.

As I said before... idiots.
I believe there were bombs in the building. I build for a living and dont see how it could even be close to possible the planes could topple the building other than directly knocking them over on impact. The witnesses heard the bombs, tower 7 also collapsed with no impact from a plane. Could the other tower have been a possible target but since 93 didnt make it, they decided to blow it up anyways? I'm not saying the US planted bombs but it's pretty apparent they were there. To many things that are ironic in the whol situation. Why did this happen?
Guess I shouldnt have brought it up. Just would like to find answers as to why so many Americans had to die for other selfishness. This country is very swade by the media, I wish we could get answers as to why people like my cousin Eric, my co-worker Austin's little brother Jake, had to die and so many innocent lives taken while other get wealthy. I guess I should just mind my own business and watch CNN for my info. GNFANATIC, yes I do build all types of buildings and have worked from the East Coast to the West Coast. please dont attack me for trying find info and opinions. thanks!
Actually it does explain a lot, ther are too many people in this country that rely souly on what they see on TV. I am not saying that are government did the job, and to be quite honest, hope they had absolutely nothing to with it, but I think we have not recieved the info that this country deserves to hear. Lets hear some opinions and theories instead of beating me up for bringing it up. Is UNGN the only one with an honest opinion here? And UNGN, I commend you for standing up for your feelings about this HUGE issue. It's been 6 years now, too devistaing of a loss to just sweep it under the rug.
I believe there were bombs in the building. I build for a living and dont see how it could even be close to possible the planes could topple the building other than directly knocking them over on impact. The witnesses heard the bombs, tower 7 also collapsed with no impact from a plane. Could the other tower have been a possible target but since 93 didnt make it, they decided to blow it up anyways? I'm not saying the US planted bombs but it's pretty apparent they were there. To many things that are ironic in the whol situation. Why did this happen?

A fully loaded 767 weighs over 300,000 lbs. The Plane that hit the South Tower was travelling 550 mph.

Why do you think explosives would be required to bring down a building hit with a 150 Ton Airplane traveling 550 mph? The B-25 that hit the empire state building weighed 10 tons traveling at 175 mph.

Witnesses heard bombs? :rolleyes: High explosives make shock waves. They don't cause puffy, hollywood style explosions. Only an idiot can watch the videos of the tower collapse and say it looked like a "controlled demolition". Period.

Tower 7 took a direct hit from the North Tower when it fell and then burned for hours.

If you are in construction, check out the design of Building 7, sometime. It was pretty F'd up from a structural standpoint when it was built, straddling a con-ed substation with a bunch of Trusses carrying the load of inner support columns, rather than support columns carrying the load to the ground.

Believe it or not, buildings aren't designed to have other building fall on them. If a building collapses after a building falls on it, I don't start looking for black helicopters. Maybe you do. Good luck with that.
You are so right on track with your thoughts . I agree with you 100%.

A coment on that ridiculous loose change. As you noticed its on its 2nd or 3rd cut. These retards have made lots of money on this thing. The have changed the movie as some of their own theories have been proved wrong ove the years. The video or audio track has been modified.
The Loose Change guys are idiots exploiting other (truther) idiots. period.

There is ZERO actual evidence to support the whole "truther" movement.

These are the same guys that said a missile hit the pentagon, the 767's that hit the WTC were remotely controlled and thought that a building that was hit with a 300,000lb plane full of fuel traveling 550 mph needed "explosive charges" to bring in down.

As I said before... idiots.

Exactly. It's sad what people will believe now. :o
A fully fueled 767 travelling at several hundred MPH hits the WTC and explodes.

The building catches on fire and collapses. Many people die as a result. Including someone I knew as a kid.

Area 51?

Grassy Knoll?

Sorry. No conspiracy here. Just terrorism & physics.
Just curious, does anyone on here ever watch these?


YouTube - FKN Facts 9/11 The Emperors Clothes

That was a complete waste of time.

It's all the evil fascist corporations!!!!!

If one of these dumbasses who are supposedely sooooo much smarter than I am could give me one piece of ACTUAL evidence I might be swayed to their side.