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Why did so many people have to die during 9/11


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Dude don't freak out.

Freak out about what?

Somebody Trying to blame 9/11 on the CFR?

Everyday I hear what an idiot Bush is and how he can't do anything right... And yet he managed to pull off 9/11 without ANYONE ratting him out.

As I said before Complete waste of time.
Is there any footage of a tower falling on building 7? I guess I never saw a building falling on it.
On building collapses -- I'm sure you have all seen those "controlled" demolitions of buildings. I think they use all of about 100-200 pounds of explosives. Granted, they are strategically placed, but it's not to much of a stretch to see that it doesn't take much to bring down any buliding. Definitely likely that the aircraft and their associated feuel and impact speed did this as it wiped out the structure of the upper floors.
as dumb as this sounds :eek: :eek: lets say the are 6 people standing on top of each others shoulders,and you smack the 2nd guy from he top in the nuts,what do you think is going to happen to the guy on the bottom:mad: he gonna be hurtin:eek: :eek:
On building collapses -- I'm sure you have all seen those "controlled" demolitions of buildings. I think they use all of about 100-200 pounds of explosives. Granted, they are strategically placed, but it's not to much of a stretch to see that it doesn't take much to bring down any buliding. Definitely likely that the aircraft and their associated feuel and impact speed did this as it wiped out the structure of the upper floors.

What everyone DOESN'T when they watch a 10 second building implosion on TV is the weeks of preparation that goes into it where they cut away most of the support structure of the building.

The collapse of both towers started at the point of aircraft impact when the damaged floors couldn't support the weight of the floors above them.

The collapse of building 7 starts at the area of the building where you look at the building's plans and say "who the F- would design a support structure like that?" 40 stories of vertical supports are held up by trusses that carry the load of the building horizontally over to a vertical support structure that avoids a con-ed substation at ground level, below the building.

It obviously wasn't designed to have a 100 story building fall 300 feet away from it and into it and then burn for 7 hours... no explosives required.
I gues some builders never heard of "pancaking". I truly feel the people that start this **** are totally disgraceful to there country and victims. Its been proven many times over. People have admitted to it. Experts have agreed to it and of course many experts statements have been distorted. There are 2 things that bother me. 1-) we havent caught OBL or #2 yet 2-) we arent building the twin towers again with a memorial.
Flame suit on....

If the people that start this **** are disrespectful to their country, the victims and their families then Popular Mechanics is just as guilty for even humoring those theories.

Also, it's a free country, if people have questions about what happened they should feel free to ask those questions without being ridiculed or accused of disrespecting America. I'm not saying I agrree with these Conspiracy guys but it's their right to say what they want. It's called Freedom of Speech.
no **** sherlock . I am talking about the people who start these conspiracies and distort comments,facts etc etc. Popular mechanics and other organizations had to give an explaintion to everything so people would not get confused. :rolleyes:
"why did so many people have to die on 9/11", I find it a miracle that not more then 3000 people died. Those towers employed over 20,000 people I believe. Our hearts go out to all of them and 3000 to us is a huge loss of life but it could have been worse. And thank God it wasnt.
The collapse of building 7 starts at the area of the building where you look at the building's plans and say "who the F- would design a support structure like that?" 40 stories of vertical supports are held up by trusses that carry the load of the building horizontally over to a vertical support structure that avoids a con-ed substation at ground level, below the building.

It obviously wasn't designed to have a 100 story building fall 300 feet away from it and into it and then burn for 7 hours... no explosives required.
Not to mention the dozen or so tanks full of diesel fuel to run the generators that were scattered throughout Building 7 as shown on that show on the Discovery channel about the conspiracy theories.
If you saw the show, notice all of the conspiracy believers were about 18 years old... I couldn't beleive the Discovery Channle would even air such a was quit a joke.
I gues some builders never heard of "pancaking". I truly feel the people that start this **** are totally disgraceful to there country and victims. Its been proven many times over. People have admitted to it. Experts have agreed to it and of course many experts statements have been distorted. There are 2 things that bother me. 1-) we havent caught OBL or #2 yet 2-) we arent building the twin towers again with a memorial.

I thought they were rebuilding another 16 acre complex in it's place? I watched something at one time that showed a building but I''m not sure of the details but the show had a virtual tour of what it is supposed to look like.
If the people that start this **** are disrespectful to their country, the victims and their families then Popular Mechanics is just as guilty for even humoring those theories.

Also, it's a free country, if people have questions about what happened they should feel free to ask those questions without being ridiculed or accused of disrespecting America. I'm not saying I agrree with these Conspiracy guys but it's their right to say what they want. It's called Freedom of Speech.

Not even the fact of freedom of speec but our government is supposed to be for the people, if we dont question our government, especially the individuals that become very wealthy during such events, we the people will lose control of it. Just because someone questions our authorities doesnt mean they accusing every to be a conspiracy. Believe it or not, there are many conspiracies in our government, we hear about them often. If nobody questions red flags, certain judges, senators, etc would never get caught. We need to keep our government in check, thats why we should ask questions, which ever party you are.
jdpolzin, thats the freedom tower. its going to be a very tall (one of the tallest in the world) structure. I feel we should rebuild the towers to the same specs and looks. and the sorrounding bottom area would be a massive memorial. This might sound crazy but i feel we are making OBL happy by not putting them back up. :frown:
We need to keep our government in check, thats why we should ask questions, which ever party you are.

Making up wild conspiracy theories about 9/11 doesn't "keep the government in check". The government actually likes it when nut jobs accuse it orchestrating thing like 9/11.

They can slap the nutjobs down with easily accessable facts and the rest of the population think "thank good we have big government to save us from all these idiot nut jobs". And the idiot nut jobs think Governement is capable of doing things government couldn't pull off in a million years of trying, without screwing it up.

Rather than get all bent out of shape about the government orchestrating 9/11, why don't you get bent out of shape about the 15% of your income they confiscate from you for "Social Security" that won't be there when you turn 80 (when you will be able to take it) or the Democrats plan to have the Government run all healthcare in the US.

Because the government does those things good, right?
no **** sherlock . I am talking about the people who start these conspiracies and distort comments,facts etc etc. Popular mechanics and other organizations had to give an explaintion to everything so people would not get confused. :rolleyes:

I can think for myself. I don't need Popular Mechanics to expalin things to me so I'm not confused. :rolleyes: They are just as bad as the conspiracy theorists themselves for posting that article. Theyr'e only fueling the fire.
The movie kept stopping on me. :confused: Not buying the point they were trying to make with the fire could not possibly bring the towers down. Then showing you other buildings where the fire had been burning for twenty four plus hours and those other buildings did not fall. There is a huge difference between a fire which started inside a building and a 707 hitting it at five hundred miles an hour. I'm still amazed that the towers stood as long as they did.
UNGN, thanks for bringing the voice of reason to this thread. I still can't believe there are "truthers" out there after all the debunking.

JFK "grassy knoll" conspricies... hell sign me up! Though the 9-11 conspiracies have no weight.
Creators of "change" have acknowledged their production has errors. The excuse? They were young.

Its all crap. All of it.
I can't believe people still believe this trash.

A one hour search on the internet will give you all the facts you need to debunk every facet of their conspiracy theory.

But you really need only one.

To pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude you would have to have the complete and utter loyalty and confidence of literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people to pull this off. From the planes, the pilots of the planes, to the people that planted the supposed bombs, to all the news agencies, the people conducting the clean up effort, etc etc everyone in the entire chain would have to be completely silent.

The US government cant even hide Abu Ghraib for Gods sakes! That was on a small base in a whole other country with little outside monitoring. How do you figure a conspiracy many times as massive could be hidden?

What I find amusing is the fact that apparently some people find it hard to believe that muslim psychos would hijack a plane and then use it for a kamikaze mission. They do it almost every day in Iraq only they don't have access to airliners.