why do you get jdsperformance when you google Kirban?


Not so Senior Member
Mar 8, 2009
Don't know if this is the right place for this post, but are they some how one in the same??? Kirban care to chime in? ;)
Because he has many Kirban products on his website and the Kirban name is all over his website, when Google indexes the site it picks Kirban up as a key word and when you search it considers it revelent to your search
Check ur settings. Kirban under a Google search comes up Kirbanperformance.com as well.
Oddly enough when I googled Kirban at work it came up with Kirban performance first on the list. At home even when I googled "kirban performance" it wasn't even on the first page...I was too lazy to keep going down the pages so I just used the link from this site to get there
kirban 2 cents worth


You wil find from time to time you type in kirban which is not a common name in most cases will be like Mike indicated above people use our product and mention our name may be under mustang or corvette.....also salem kirban will pop up from time to time....Dad has written over 50 books several half million sellers many years ago....

