Will Cas ruin my Christmas???

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Well it is the 26th, still cannot leave a message for Tony, has not answered any e-mails and no delivery came. :( :( :(
Well I'm in the same boat.
I ordered parts from Tony last Feb. to finish up on my SII motor.
I put in for time off to go to BG that year.
Time for BG came and went with no word on my parts.
My motor is still on the stand waiting for me to finish it almost year later.
But I can't buy more parts because Tony has my money.
I've tried to contact him by all the means given
ie: FAX,Email,Phone
no response.
Is it correct to assume that everybody that has been ignored, used, and abused by (.@.$., or ANYone else, has reported this to:

1.) The USPS Inspector General, Mail Fraud Investigation Unit?
Just go to your local PO for info.

2.) The two Federal Agencies listed in my siggy below?

It's "Truth or Consequences" time, guys. No one, & none of the Federal laws can/will help you until Y-O-U report it. Help stop their continuing cycle of abuse. They face SERIOUS penalties!!
Let us know how we can help. (Our own Joe 1320 stands by 24/7 to assist with excellent info.)

Don't be embarassed about being ripped-off. Please don't pretend it didn't happen, eat a #*&% sandwich, and just let someone/anyone get away with it, with no consequences.

Ask yourself 2 questions:
1.) Would you report it if someone broke into your house and stole the same amount of money?

2.) If someone is walking around with your money, which you gave them as pre-payment for a purchase, and they never deliver...how is that different from being mugged?
I'm pulling for all of us in the "Ripped-in-2002" crew to prevail.

But, we gotta get busy, & stay steady on the case!

Yours for Justice, TL
Forget about reporting, this will be a Group Airline ticket. No one should be treated this way after payment has been recieved. :mad: :mad: i beleive face to face would be better to get my part.
So, when are we leaving?

NJ is going to "reach-out-and-touch" in person, and no reason he shouldn't...I understand his thoughts & feelings completely.

I have a side road-trip planned when visiting a friend in Upstate NY shortly myself.

But, for all those who cannot get face-to-face satisfaction via travel, there are also Federal remedies, as outlined earlier.

Please, just don't do NOTHING...patience is a wonderful virtue easily mocked/often abused by the unscrupulous.

Without the severe consequences provided for by the Federal laws protecting consumers, change is highly unlikely....and that's how they keep-on keeping on with the SOS.

Don't get an ulcer over being shafted...if you can't visit them personally, file a report with the Federal authorities listed.

They only laugh at BBB-complaints!!

Get serious------Get busy!!


HTH :)
Originally posted by Turbo231
Well I'm in the same boat.
I ordered parts from Tony last Feb. to finish up on my SII motor.
I put in for time off to go to BG that year.
Time for BG came and went with no word on my parts.
My motor is still on the stand waiting for me to finish it almost year later.
But I can't buy more parts because Tony has my money.
I've tried to contact him by all the means given
ie: FAX,Email,Phone
no response.

Lawyer. Call one - have them leave the message.

That and the BBB and the fact that no one will buy again after reading this from established board members....
I tried to be the better person today and called CAS no answer and still his voicebox is full and you cannot leave a message. I came home from work and typed Tony another e-mail and asked him Why Tony would you take my money and never ship product? never provide tracking number? never respond for almost 3 weeks you have been paid in full. (No Response) At this point i am giving him until tomorrow to answer either this thread or all my e-mails then i have to unleash the war dogs. I have already filled out e/bays complaint section, BBB and my Father who is in the FBI Philly knows a few agents that work very close to Mr.Cas:eek:. I really hate it has to come to this, Tony if you are reading this thread just ship my part to avoid this mess for yourself.
I e-mailed Tony tonight to let him know I shipped my V2 pipes out today and wanted to verify the order for 304 replacements. Interesting to see if I get my next day response again.
One for all, All for one!

If you contact him again, would you consider including a P.S. regarding NJ's situation?

Will be interesting to watch how this turns out. However, CAS looks to be going down hill fast.:( Good luck njturbo.

I almost wonder about all the good ones. Well then again like Tony said we are such a small part of his business therfore it is okay to treat us Buick guys like sh. :mad: :mad:

Thanks guys i will keep you posted as the first wave will start in the morning. I hope Tony gets a good nights rest he will need it.
Re: One for all, All for one!

Originally posted by Two Lane
If you contact him again, would you consider including a P.S. regarding NJ's situation?

I would but I really need my pipes:D Last thing I want to do is get him pissed off and me be sitting here in Feb. with no pipes for my V2:mad: I will mention the thread though!

Get your pipes i do not want to screw anyone else up. Once you get a confirmation that your pipes shipped then e-mail if you could maybe he likes you. :eek:
It is a pretty sad state of affairs when:

We are so afraid of a supplier that we are unable to mention a fellow turbobuick's need or order due to fear of the supplier taking retalitory measures. I can actually feel the unhappiness of a family when a wife or girlfriend orders something for her husband or boyfriend, and it ends up this way. The buick community should not be supporting this vendor by purchasing his hardware. ( tony da pr*ck ), oops, sorry, el typo, that should have been "tony the slick". Oops, wrong again, oh well.

Gary Wells

hey Check your Email, give me a call tonight at home

thanks, and good luck with everything boys

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