Will Cas ruin my Christmas???

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:( :( :( :(

This UPS tracking number is still not in the UPS tracking system yet.
:( :(
Tony Boloni tracking numbers:mad:
Like i said before i know guys he has given fake numbers to just to shut them up:mad: :mad:
I appreciate this thread and appreciate that it isn't being deleted or locked. It is important to know suppliers NOT to deal with. I would much rather not learn this through personal experience whenever possible. Thanks for bringing this situation to the surface by posting it on the board and good luck with your "transaction."
Well i got this tracking number Thursday and here it is Monday not in system yet. I have allowed the weekend and until the end of the day today to see if this number really is a tracking number:mad: In the morning if it still does not come up in UPS'S system well then, i will declare a full push to Fly There and file all paper work to really get Tony screwed. I still do not beleive this is still going on!!!!!!!! We are coming up on 1 month that this part was won on e-bay and paid for.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Intercooler did you get your e-mail yet??
Re: Cas did ruin my Christmas???

Originally posted by njturbo
I was sniffing on Ebay around the 6th of December and saw that CAS was selling an aluminum radiator with duel fans.

Just an FYI i hope your not expecting the fans to be attached.... i was going to buy the rad myself, but noticed in the description the fans DO NOT come with it.

if you get your $ back iw ould say go with a different alumin. radiator. less headache.

But i do hope everything works out for you
Originally posted by njturbo
***Well i got this tracking number Thursday and here it is Monday not in system yet. ***

THATS IT! Waste NO MORE Time, contact the POLICE Imediatly
and have him ARRESTED!!!!
njturbo, I have been following this thread since day 1. I'm starting to feel the same frustration you and your wife are going through. I ordered a manual from helm inc on December 8th. I called them on the 20th and they told me it should be there by Dec. 24th if the post office was delivering. Still nothing has arrived yet and their huge office is closed from x-mas through Jan. 3rd in observance of the New Years holiday. :confused: I did send them an email inquiring about their problems and mentioned the FTC (thanks two lane) would intervine if I didn't receive it in the next week. Hopefully someone comes in to check the mail during their vacation. . . . Hopefully they haven't abandoned their office.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you buddy. I will boycott CAS until I see the level of service and issues of intergrity have been resolved with regards to all turbo enthusiasts.
I will put up the first $40.00 to get you a ticket to go see Tony in person to get your parts..:) Maybe you can get my $40.00 he owes me at the same time:D This is a cold hearted person to this kind of stuff:( Tony and his famous tracking numbers:mad: :mad:
Originally posted by TClassic
THATS IT! Waste NO MORE Time, contact the POLICE Imediatly
and have him ARRESTED!!!!
I agreed Brian we simply shouldn't have to or deal with people that lie or are deceitful
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


if you are watching this thread just send the freakin part and save yourself time, money, and well i will not say:mad: YOU ARE PAID IN FULL!!!!!!!!

Intercooler at this point i would just forget your pipes
Art i agree this is BS:mad:
First of all....

WE all at TB.com would like to extend to you how upset and depressed we are with the actions of the mentioned party. Bitch-in-gn's efforts were extrodinare! What a wife! Super lady, a Keeper! Unfortunatly, we have no control over the mentioned parties actions. We do feel they are handling this all wrong, and I for one , on all three accounts, ( Consumer, moderator, and buisnessman) Feel you have been slighted on more than one account. Reading this thread I was quite upset and I am in no way involved. I do , however, know that if my wife tried to pull something like that off and was handled this way she would not only be upset and pissed, but let down. That is the sad part. We cannot believe no offer or "special" attention has been shown here in this situation.

At this point and time I would like to ask the TB.com family for a full Boycott till something is resolved.

I do want to extend the fact that we CANNOT have physical threats and or slander, but to slander someone with facts cannot happen, which is what we see here. No false accusations, no he said she said, Just exactly what is/has taking place. I am going to sticky this and would like Mrs NJTURBO to update daily. WE are CONCERNED. Now if we have to rally together and help this family out to produce something "equivenlent" to replace the intended gift, That just may have to happen. We will see. I even have contemplated calling him myself, which still may happen.

Again, We would like to express how sorry and depressed we are, and please ,please keep us updated daily.

Geno, hang onto that 40 bucks, as it just may come in handy later.:D

Let the "HIGHER ONE" deal with the concerned party, as he will.
What goes around comes around and going the way it is going, he has a HUGH one coming........

And all the admin and moderators at TB.com
Originally posted by TurboDiverArt
I agreed Brian we simply shouldn't have to or deal with people that lie or are deceitful

>>> You certainly said a mouthful with your above statement for sure.

Happy Holidays to all.
So the FBI is out of the picture? They wouldn't get involved?

It would seem that CAS has a lot of accounts to get straight with, before the boycott is lifted. Will there be a list of customers that are deleted, one by one, as things "hopefully" become resolved with each one.

No FBI is not at all out of picture. However i need to go through the proper channels first so i do not get screwed in the end, And i would support all the board members who have been screwed by Tony to be resolved first before boycott is lifted, again my e-mail box has been flooded with other members that do not want to post on a public board and let me just say that this stuff with Tony has gone on long enough. He has hurt many people and that is not nice. :( :(
Just Posted On Another Thread About Joe Bowen, our Joe 1320

"Just wanted to chime in and say nice job & hats off to ya Joe 1320!!! You have made it as far as Moparts.com and a few other car boards. Your Troll Terminating has fast become legend!

It's people like you that keep our car hobby and/or trade honest and enjoyable! Inspires others to go after these little scam artist with a vengeance!! Helps to restore my faith in people over all.

Take care and all the best for you and yours, and the Buick community in general for a job well done!

Happy New Year folks


Brian is right...Joe has always been first & foremost offering real help & guidance in these situations.

From the looks of this thread, perhaps Joe will have some help,
and perhaps our board will truly unite against such BS in our midst whenever it happens, whomever it happens to.

Great way to greet the New Year, hoping that from this current incident we've decided that "enough is finally enough", and we are not going to look the other way, "just glad it didn't happen to us".

Thanks for allowing us to be of help however we can, NJ.

And, as always, with the highest respect & appreciation for Joe, our Internet-famous "Troll-Terminator"and friend.

:) :)
Re: Just Posted On Another Thread About Joe Bowen, our Joe 1320

Originally posted by Two Lane
"Just wanted to chime in and say nice job & hats off to ya Joe 1320!!! You have made it as far as Moparts.com and a few other car boards. Your Troll Terminating has fast become legend!

It's people like you that keep our car hobby and/or trade honest and enjoyable! Inspires others to go after these little scam artist with a vengeance!! Helps to restore my faith in people over all.

Take care and all the best for you and yours, and the Buick community in general for a job well done!

Happy New Year folks


Brian is right...Joe has always been first & foremost offering real help & guidance in these situations.

From the looks of this thread, perhaps Joe will have some help,
and perhaps our board will truly unite against such BS in our midst whenever it happens, whomever it happens to.

Great way to greet the New Year, hoping that from this current incident we've decided that "enough is finally enough", and we are not going to look the other way, "just glad it didn't happen to us".

Thanks for allowing us to be of help however we can, NJ.

And, as always, with the highest respect & appreciation for Joe, our Internet-famous "Troll-Terminator"and friend.

:) :)

Very well said Two Lane and I agree 100% with what you said about Joe 1320 cause he has been a great help to many and for that he gets much respect and thanks from me!!!:)
pitch in

hey travis!id be happy to pitch in also to see this resolved.although we have only been aquantinces as short time.i have had the pleasure of meeting you personally,and although i sit back an watch and not say much.i have grown increasingly upset with this.this is a situation that becomes more of a moral issue.this guy is obviously a scum bag!so i dont blame you for wanting to kick his ass!so from the bottom of my heart.i say screw being politically correct for the board.id love to pitch in to see you give this guy a good beating!

"DONT BE CRUEL!!!!!!!;)
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