Will Cas ruin my Christmas???

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in tonys feedback, his response to the late delivery is that they were moving, if i owned my own fabrication company and planed on moving i would know about it a few monthes in advanced, if you can't check ebay and see who won and put a package in the main during the move, then don't put it up on ebay,thats a real BS excuse. I bought 2,000 dollars in parts for my turbo SBC and of the 10 parts i bought, i am having an issue with one of them, its very frustrating, if you can't deliver the part right away, then don't put it up for auction,
Grant J Farmer

Hi Travis this is Mike from CAS

I can not find your street address to ship you out this radiator here.

Please send me the shipping info so I can get this out for you today
through ups



:confused: :confused: :confused:
Maybe he got the hint.
After desperately looking for it for 3 weeks, could you please send us your address??

How conveeeeeeeennnniiient...LOL!

#66642 in the "Excuses That People Believe" handbook.

Seeing's believing when it finally arrives from UPS, almost a month later.

Hope this %&#* is gonna be over for you soon, NJ!!

:) :) :)
Tony should change his last name from DeQuick to DeSlow because he can not seem to send or ship anything quickly LOL!:D ;)
FYI...A shipper can call UPS for a pickup and get a tracking # and still not ship for months if they wish to. You have to call UPS... and make sure it has shipped. The info on UPS's web site will only show that a pickup and tracking # have been assigned.

It looks like everyone else is screwed, unless you can threaten to have the FBI at his door.

So, theoretically he could wait 'til the FBI showed up a month or two from now and show them the pickup and tracking # and say that someone forgot to call UPS to pick the...whatever... up.

I think they must have a fun time laughing at the ********Buick guys.
Hi its Mike again from CAS

I found your address and have a ups label for you on your radiator ready to go


Sorry for the wait

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Consumer Protection Laws

The Federal Trade Commission penalties begin on the 30th day...11k fines...and they just START there, & pile-up quickly afterwards.

Federal laws do not provide "loopholes" for lame-o sleazoid BS-artist excusemeister alibis...PERIOD.

The seller MUST initiate & establish contact (by mail, telephone.etc) with the customer to let them know personally that the order is delayed stating WHY, & WHEN it will ship. The customer then decides to wait, or receives an immediate refund...their choice. If the customer does not even reply to the seller's notice at all, the seller must send an immediate refund before the 30th-day...or else the initial FTC 11K penalty is levied...and the penalties keep stacking up from there as more time passes.


So, when these kinds of situations come up again, now you know that is just ONE of the many Federal laws protecting you!!

HTH :)
It doesn't really matter to me how CAS resolves this, based on what I've seen about this company in this and other threads, I won't buy sh*t from 'em. :mad: It's pretty phucked up to sell something on eBay, then not ship it. In fact, it's pretty phucked up to sell anything on the internet if you don't have it ready to ship, as I found out this past week.
I'm sure this is of little consequence to them, but when 500 other TR owners have the same opinion, maybe they'll take note.
njturbo at least you got to speak his mind without Rollin deleteing your thread.If I would have started a thread like this and said all youve said the thread would have been deleted and idve been banned,the same wouldve happened to alot of other members if they had made a post like this.So even though you didnt get your radiator you have the right to free speech on this board and thats priceless. Good luck with CAS.
I really thought this board was for all us to protect each other and voice our complaints about certain things. Now i have posted in the past, i do not think this should turn into a complaint board, however what do you do if you cannot contact such vendor by e-mail or phone and they live in the middle of the country? If you put something on e-bay and you are not equiped to answer your phone, answer your e-mails, or ship product then you should not put stuff up for Auction (PEROID). This is Fraud ,you are claiming you have a part, receive payment, but you never ship IT IS NOT RIGHT!!!! If i called CAS and ordered a part after reading previous post i would expect to wait and have this nightmare. However winning a bid i do not expect this type of service and neither should anyone else. The UPS number i was given is still not in UPS'S data base yet, so this thing is not over until part is in my hands and it is not damaged.
All we are doing as of now is watching the thread and its direction.
njturbo please keep us posted on your situation with CAS.

Drew Sharp: This thread is njturbo , NOT a Rollin bashing thread if you have a problem with Rollin e-mail him & keep it off the board.

I agree with Jesse

Drew.... wait and see, do not start anymore crap. We are watching as Jason D and I discussed this morning.
Even njturbo has been pretty diligent in his quest. He does have a point and is interested in getting it resolved. As long as it goes along as it has we are just like you, watching what is going on.
You can ALWAYS come directly to me, if there are any more concerns. Period.

You know,

You have a valid point. I will go thru right now and delete the threats. THAT IS WRONG and see, appropriate way of approach works every time. Valid point and I am on it.

Thanks Bruce WE4
First I would like to say "thanks" to the moderators for their support. I dont recall making specific bodily threats on CAS or anyone else. I do recall stating that if I had to fly there then he would be sorry.

Drew---Im sorry that in the past your threads or posts have been deleted but why is it being brought up now and not then? I am only posting this because I feel that this board is like a tight unit, and we rely on each other for opinions on parts, set-ups, where to buy, where not to buy, etc. Thats what friends are for right?

Maybe I did come on too strong as this whole thread got started on christmas eve AFTER my wife was crying to me because MY xmas gift was NOT coming for xmas or at ALL.

I cant be the only one who feels this way as my in box was flooded with emails from board members regarding this. Unfortunately, there are people like this (CAS) that we all have to deal with in business. But here (the board) I would think we all help each other out in some way or another. Whether it being a business, auction, or whatever.

Like I said earlier, I hope that this thread will continue until I have the part in my hand and it is what my wife paid for.:rolleyes:
Cant Assume Shipped (CAS)

Even IF you do get your parts he is still a JERK :mad:
I dont think he can even pick up that rad without help from his mom or little sister LOL;)
Njturbo, I give you a LOT of credit for starting this thread and letting people know how piss poor Tony and his business practices are because you have most likely prevented a good number of people from getting screwed over like you were by sending this guy money.... It is very important IMHO to let people know about the good vendors, but more importantly the bad ones like CAS this way they don't end up having problems and having to hear countless excuses from these vendors!!! I hope everything works out for you and all the others that have been "bent over" by CAS (Tony DeSlow) and hopefully people learn not to deal with vendors that have bad business practices like this!!!

Later, Steve
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