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Will Cas ruin my Christmas???


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free speech?

what ever happen to free speech?i would asume this board follows the rules set down by our constitution right?im going to asume most of us believe in the laws set down by our great nation.if this thread gets deleted i will be greatly upset.and if i feel like voicing my hatred for something or someone,i should be able to.(im a lover,not a fighter:D ;) ).so be american! and buy american!

cant we all just get along?:p

p.s my opinion? CAS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Well i cant start a list of people that Tony owes money or products.I will just keep telling people to stay away from CAS:)
I guess i was thinking that a honest vender would use the list to contact the people to make things right. What was i thinking
Re: free speech?

Originally posted by turbotwister
what ever happen to free speech?i would asume this board follows the rules set down by our constitution right?im going to asume most of us believe in the laws set down by our great nation.if this thread gets deleted i will be greatly upset.and if i feel like voicing my hatred for something or someone,i should be able to.(im a lover,not a fighter:D ;) ).so be american! and buy american!

Most people who throw that out do NOT know what "free speech" really is. Freedom of speech is a constitutional protection guaranteeing that the government will not oppress your political speech. Do we support that? You bet. However, it does not cover what gets posted on a privately owned message board where you and everyone else are our guests.

If you disagree with that you have the freedom to express yourself elsewhere. We support that freedom as well.

So please, don't challenge ME on the rules that we ask people to abide by. I am not the bad guy here. I am just trying to run a web site. Please don't make it any harder than what it is.

We are all for a solution to the problem that this thread is all about, but we are not for what I clearly outlined in my previous post.

Thanks for your cooperation.
hey you really think someone is gonna go out to see tony and kick his ass?its obviously some people letting off steam and from what i can tell,we have been doing that since the playground.i dont think there really is a need to be so concerned with "everything" that is said in "every" post.i understand it may be your job as the moderator but just remember most of the bark is to get the attention.after we get the attention there is no need for a bite.;)
Originally posted by turbotwister
hey you really think someone is gonna go out to see tony and kick his ass?

It doesn't matter if someone really WILL. You can't always get away with even threatening to kick someone ass any more as charges CAN be pressed as a result. You can thank O.J. Simpson in part for that law. :):)

Personal information has already been posted in this thread regarding this, and people have indeed been harrassed as a result (people that have NOTHING to do with this). That's not right and does not help the situation at hand. Challenging me on how we decide to run this site does not help either. You would have much better luck beating your head into a brick wall.:p

its obviously some people letting off steam and from what i can tell,we have been doing that since the playground.

I can understand that...letting off steam, but making phisical threats? Not in this playground. :)

i dont think there really is a need to be so concerned with "everything" that is said in "every" post.

Maybe YOU don't think it is a concern, but our concerns are very different as we are in a completley differnet situation than you are. Furthermore, MY concerns are none of YOUR conern. Thanks for the concern, though! :)

i understand it may be your job as the moderator

That's "administrator" to you. I co-own the site. :cool: ;);)

but just remember most of the bark is to get the attention.after we get the attention there is no need for a bite.;)

That is completeley irrelevant. Physical threats, personal information, etc., all the stuff I mentioned in my previous post of this thread is not welcome here. Let's just leave it at that because I am done trying to justify myself.


Again i cannot say how much i appreciate everyones help. Without the moderators and the Administrator:) this thread would have locked a while ago. They have been big support.

Now back to the issue at hand. It is 9.25PM here in NJ and i am still waiting for the Big Brown Truck:confused: I love the Truck:) But i am still with no Radiator. :(

I'll have quote Vince McMahon on this one

"Tony has no grapefruits":(

I know Tony reads this site because if I owned a business like his, I would what to know what customers think about my products/customer service.

Tony has to remember where his business came from first.

If Tony has any grapefruits, he will post on this thread and explain why his customer service SUCKS. We all know he has produced excellent items, but there is no excuse for bad service.

I know of a BUICK vendor that sold his products and now can't even get hold of him to buy more intercoolers to sell.

I think he got into something over his head and can't handle it. He would be more of a man and explain his side of the story. Remember there are 3 sides of a story: 1. A side 2. B side 3. The truth.

So far, he lost the Buick community, else where I read that he screwed the LS1 crowd, I wonder how he doing with the import crowd, I think those guys won't take his crap.

Tony, when you read this, how about posting anything.

NJ, I feel for you, no one should go through with this. I for one, am in law enforcement, and when I respond to a call that some one has been cheated, I try to resolve the issue then and there. If I were in your position, I would already been to his place of business and have confronted him on his business practices.

What goes around comes around:eek:

Billy T.
I realize I'm just a newb here, but here goes...

I support leaving threads like this. If it turns out he lost both his legs in a freak waterskiing accident while his dog ate his grandmother, explain things and post how everything was resolved. If a possible buyer does a search and turns up 100 posts about how great someone is, and one post about how something was delayed, they'll figure it out. Likewise if it's 100 cases of delay and one good one. I say let the facts be known, and let the buyer make his own informed decision.

We've started making "doghouse" threads over at for deadbeats. If the situation can't be resolved after a reasonable amount of effort, a post is made describing the situation and what was or wasn't done to remedy it. It stays up until the situation is resolved, giving lots of bad publicity to those who won't make things right. Nobody likes to do that sort of thing, especially in these smaller communities, but sometimes that's what it takes to get people to do their part. We've had some issues in our neck of the 'Net where the law was brought in as well...

Along these same lines, I (and others as well) try to make it known when someone comes through, or even goes above and beyond. We all have stuff come up, but in the end people will see how things really are.

I think NJ and his wife have been great through this, from what I've seen of the thread. They've tried to stick to business, and not turn it into a flame-war junior-high fist-fight.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

P.S. Two Lane, I stole your sig for the benefit of the crowd too. =)
Originally posted by JasonD
Posting anyone's public information here will get this thread deleted, as well will any more threats of physical harm or people starting lists, jumping in the CAS bashing bandwagon, etc...

If you want someone's phone number, get it from the authorized source, not here. Doesn't matter if it is public or not, this site is not for the distribution of that kind of information.

Also, this site does not condone vendor bashing. The ONLY reason this thread is up is to hopefully get a problem resolved for many, not create new ones for anyone.
Jason, I agree.

My opinion FWIW (and everyone has one) is that if it's true then it's OK. If people start posting, "I had a friend that had this problem" then it's BS. People can have an opinion on the situation or give advice to others but the only one relaying stories should be those who are directly involved. I don't think stating a problem you had with a vendor is bashing them as long as all you are doing is relaying what happened (keep the sensationalism out). If you start name calling then the thread is going to get deleted and everyone loses except maybe the offending vendor. I don't think we want to result to name calling. If you post about a problem you have in a constructive manner then the smart consumer will be able to digest the information and make an intelligent decision if to buy from a vendor. I'm on many lists (not all auto) and typically when people start name calling I tune out. Keep is clean and to the point and everyone will benefit from it!
Originally posted by TurboDiverArt
My opinion FWIW (and everyone has one) is that if it's true then it's OK. If people start posting, "I had a friend that had this problem" then it's BS. People can have an opinion on the situation or give advice to others but the only one relaying stories should be those who are directly involved. I don't think stating a problem you had with a vendor is bashing them as long as all you are doing is relaying what happened (keep the sensationalism out). If you start name calling then the thread is going to get deleted and everyone loses except maybe the offending vendor. I don't think we want to result to name calling. If you post about a problem you have in a constructive manner then the smart consumer will be able to digest the information and make an intelligent decision if to buy from a vendor. I'm on many lists (not all auto) and typically when people start name calling I tune out. Keep is clean and to the point and everyone will benefit from it!

Hey...someone understands me! ;)

Thanks, that was well said.

Reading what you said actually made me think of something funny...

Consumer Reports is well respected for not adding anything but the facts to their reviews. They would lose all credibility if they were to print something like "The XYZ Manufacturing Co. employees should be shot for putting out such a sh***y product. Here is the home number if the companies CEO's parents. Call them up and fire it off. XYZ Manufacturing Co. SUCKS DONKEY B***S! F**K XYZ!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:"


Funny, but true. :D
Originally posted by njturbo

Now back to the issue at hand. It is 9.25PM here in NJ and i am still waiting for the Big Brown Truck:confused: I love the Truck:) But i am still with no Radiator. :(

What does the UPS web site say? Is it in transit, at the local hub? If it only says "received" at the local hub then it's sitting there on the docs. When it’s actually on a truck it will say "out for delivery" or "In Transit" (can't remember which verbiage they use). I think you should be able to track the "package" pretty closely with the Internet and a tracking number. Heck, even the USPS can get it right....:)
Originally posted by gnxtc2

I know Tony reads this site because if I owned a business like his, I would what to know what customers think about my products/customer service.

I know of a BUICK vendor that sold his products and now can't even get hold of him to buy more intercoolers to sell.

I think he got into something over his head and can't handle it. He would be more of a man and explain his side of the story. Remember there are 3 sides of a story: 1. A side 2. B side 3. The truth.

So far, he lost the Buick community, else where I read that he screwed the LS1 crowd, I wonder how he doing with the import crowd, I think those guys won't take his crap.

Well time for my 2 cents I guess. To answer some of your questions / comments. We sell his products now. We place and order and when they come in which is ususlly around 4 months we post that they are here and sell them in one or two days. We reorder usually the day wait 4 or 5 months they come in and we do it again. We could sell 10 times what we sell now but usually can't get product. He complanins that the Buick market is small for him but that is his own doing, I do not think he sees that. Tony is at times VERY hard to communicate with. He is having the same exact problems with the import and LS1 guys. My personal experience with Tony has been that he make great products. When I wanted to do some project he jumped in, drove to MI, and gave it his all, more than once. He is very smart and knows his business. On a personal level I like him very much. His communication is poor. His ability to produce quanity of product consistantly is questionable. I do believe that his intent is bad though and I think he does intend to deliver when says he will, he just cannot seem to get it going in the right direction. I have got the same fake tracking numbers and powder coating excuses through the years and I have a problem with that. I would much rather hin say "I had a problem and I did not get it done" than lie to me. However, I have accepted the fact that this is Tony and likely it will not change. I will continue place orders and when the stuff comes I will sell it. Everyone around here knows about this situation and yet expects that because they threaten and complain that it will magically change, grow up it has not ever changed. I know it is frustrating but if you don't like it don't buy from him and you won't have these problems. If you chose to place an order DO NOT COMPLAIN you have been told.
Mike Licht
Originally posted by JasonD
Hey...someone understands me! ;)

If I'm understanding you and you're agreeing with what I say then that's scary. I don't know what that says about you... :D :D
Originally posted by Mike Licht
Well time for my 2 cents I guess. To answer some of your questions / comments. We sell his products now. We place and order and when they come in which is ususlly around 4 months we post that they are here and sell them in one or two days. We reorder usually the day wait 4 or 5 months they come in and we do it again.
Mike Licht
Huuummm, I think one smart person on this thread posted early on asking why people didn't order from his vendors when they had product in stock..... Wonder who that person could have been.... ;)
I agree with Mike and alot that has been said. However please remember that that this was a auction that was won. I did read other threads of CAS and stayed away. I did not think i would fall into his 1-3 month wait. If you put up an auction and product is won, product should ship within a few days of auction peroid.:)
To make matters worse this auction was a suprise, I thought it was a very nice gesture.
I agree with you about the E-bay part 100%. Auctions should be shipped within 3 days no exception. If you do not have an item in your hand it should not be on E-Bay period. Have you checked E-bay feed back for CAS? I have not, but that might be interesting.
Originally posted by Mike Licht
I agree with you about the E-bay part 100%. Auctions should be shipped within 3 days no exception. If you do not have an item in your hand it should not be on E-Bay period. Have you checked E-bay feed back for CAS? I have not, but that might be interesting.
I agree with you but the same "should" hold when buying anything when it's "in-stock".
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