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wiring DVC Subs//also recommend a Sub amp

  • Thread starter Thread starter AsphaltAnihil8r
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What I have are AudioBahn Alum 10 subs(2ea) that have DVC ,,ok first speaker ohms read 5.7 and 5.7 the second Alum reads 3.6 and 3.6 ,I would like to power these in a Low ohm configuration,Can you tell me how I should wire these and what the final Ohm's would be ,,Series or Parrallel?
Also I need an Amp to power these ,I hear I need lots of power ,,BUT cant spend lots of $$$. Do I bridge these subs
do you have 2 different year models of the Alum subs? I know the '99 were dual 4ohm, but after that they were 6ohm. If those 4ohm of urs are indeed a '99 model I would try to sell it to someone else...those models are notorious for the cone seperating from the surround. They had a major design flaw that yr.

But to answer your Q. I would say get any class D amp that is 1ohm stable (most all are, RF's are the only ones that come to mind that aren't) with around 1000-1400rms. Then wire everything in parallel. that will give you a 1.5ohm load. good candidates are JBL, Lanzar, Memphis, Earthquake, and JL just to mention a few.

I would recommend the Lanzar Vibe 1200D, but I have heard that they have lots of problems with going into protect mode for no reason....
Originally posted by mcss383
do you have 2 different year models of the Alum subs? I know the '99 were dual 4ohm, but after that they were 6ohm. If those 4ohm of urs are indeed a '99 model I would try to sell it to someone else...those models are notorious for the cone seperating from the surround. They had a major design flaw that yr.

But to answer your Q. I would say get any class D amp that is 1ohm stable (most all are, RF's are the only ones that come to mind that aren't) with around 1000-1400rms. Then wire everything in parallel. that will give you a 1.5ohm load. good candidates are JBL, Lanzar, Memphis, Earthquake, and JL just to mention a few.

I would recommend the Lanzar Vibe 1200D, but I have heard that they have lots of problems with going into protect mode for no reason....
AsphaltAnhil8r mcss383 is right the older models were pretty bad for the the glue bond on the surrounds coming loose I had to replace a few of these for customers over that very issue. If you get a chance and have the cash pick up a couple more of the new dual 6 ohm models wire all three parallel this is going to give you a little under a 1ohm load at idle but don't sweat it what most people don't understand is that the ohm impedance is going to change over the entire frequency range as the cone moves, (put a multimeter on the leads and push on the cone to see what I mean) rarely will the ohm load drop or stay that low. You should be fine I run my older Earthquake 200 DHC at a 1 ohm load even though you're not supposed to, and I've never had any problems.
Oh and mcss383 you're right Richard and David are both frighteningly intelligent when it comes to 12 volt tech but if you ever get a chance to talk to Richard personally you'll wonder why no one has shot him due to the fact that he's so arrogant that he has to get a double suite at the hotel, one bed for him and one for his ego;) David on the other hand is very laid back and exceptionally polite. By the way if want a good laugh get these guys started on the topic of whether or not Audiophile quality rca cables really make a difference.
YES I do have 2 different model years,,Neither has been used yet .Do you think that Audiobahn will exchange this one with the bad glue . I bought it off Ebay last year and have no clue of who I bought it from.
Any thoughts
Can I reinforce the one with the bad glue??

If I wire these in Parrallel ,that will give me the Low OHM's I am looking for ,,Correct???
Also will one sound louder that the other since they have diffeernt OHM's

yes you are correct, the dual 4ohm will get a little more power to it. (v=IR)

I doubt they will swap you, seeing as how you don't have a warrenty and its not broke (yet).

You could try to add some glue from the back side, but I doubt it would work. The cone/surround have A LOT of force being put on them, so I doubt a little glue on the edge would work, it would need to be under the surround on the cone. Might as well try it.

You said u got the sub off of ebay, so you prob payed no more than $110 (i hope). I say if you don't have $$ now or feel like the hassle of trying to sell it, just put it in and wait until it seperates. It should take it a little while (or may never do it....) and by that time you could have some $$.

Just make sure that the enclosure you build keeps the subs in DIFFERENT AIRSPACE!


Just from reading replies from them your description of them does make a lot sense. lol

Yeah the arguments they got in with Eddie Runner and others were quite funny.