So, of course. I have shitty luck...
Get off work a lil late. Go home, grab the car. Head out to the girlfriends house.
Get 12 minutes into the 20 minute drive and the car starts to run horrible. Mind you I drove the car around for 2 hours without an issue 3 weeks ago.
Backfiring. 02mv all over the chart, would be 700 while cruising then be 180, 120, 90 80. 80... 120... Car would stall. Backfire. Then run like everything was fine.
It gets more odd. So then the 02 mv would stabilize. But when trying to come to a stop the trans would stick in gear. Like it doesn't know to kick down.
It would hold third and be trying to drive and still hold third. lugging wayyy down.
Only way to get it to clear up would be N, or gun it, at which point everything would say to eph off and clear up. Odd thing is if I have er hell it would jumble and jog a few times then everything would realign and pull like it should and did before this issue ever arose.
O2 mv would be right in line. The retard wouldn't be out of whack, which when I was having issues I noticed out of nowhere I was seeing 4.2 on retard when previously highest ever was 2.2. And I have not changed anything.
I guess my car is bitchy and gets angry because I havent had the time to do anything at all to in including driving it. It see's it is woodward and it goes batshit crazy bitch fit 5.0.
Sorry to vent.
I really drove the car around for 2 hours to make sure nothing unexpectedly would come up, then wtf... Everything takes a giant shit.