woody weres my intake

That sucks Josh hope it works out for you. While my stuff was out being powder coated in sterling silver I was reading your posts and wondering about mine. Luckly all the people I used for the powder coating and jet hot coating were local to me and I was able to drive there and check in.. My car is almost back together. Some more little ods and ends and hopefully I'll have it running this weekend.. some updates what it all looks like on the car. Powder coating over polishing any day! At least in 5 years it will still look this way! :biggrin:



see phillyturbosix i wont have to clean mine for years also i powder coating them clear
The only bad thing with the clear.. it all depends on what type/brand of clear you use. If it's expensive high end stuff it might work and last.. other then that clear will chip and turn yellow over the years. If you get hot oil and antifreeze on it sometimes it will stain as well. Been there done that! Powder holds up the best that I've seen.