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Wooped a AC Cobra


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Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
Right after I took this pic we jumped on the e-way. Don't know if it was a real ac cobra but if it was I feel real bad for the guy. As soon as we hit the interstate I put a easy 20 cars on him and then let up. Watching the rear view I see him try and gain some ground so I nailed it again further reassuring him, he had no chance.
As we come up on the next exit, I hit the clover leaf to head back and the cobra followed ;) . Again, I come off the ramp and put 10 cars on him. LOL :biggrin: I'm laughing my balls off at this point.
So I let him get next to me and the two guys are giving me the thumbs up. They then nailed it thinking maybe they would take one last stab. I pulled it into third and went walking right by.:biggrin:

I love my Turbo Buick! This car runs like nothing else.


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is that wye when i was up in your neck of the woods no one wanted to play with me,Rick how on god's creation am i going to ever get a race up their when every one thinks im one of you guys from the south side.Can you guys run alittle slower just for once;)

By the way good kill but next time leave some for us slow guys
Great kill!
Doubt it's a real Cobra. They didn't make very many of them and they go for several hundred thousand not likely to be out on the road street racing.

The kit cars are no sluch tho'
Most are small blocks and they are very light weight, so it does not take much HP to make them move.
Some of the repos can get very expensive. And some of them have 427's as well and can make some good power. Good kill.
Some of the repos can get very expensive. And some of them have 427's as well and can make some good power. Good kill.

def a kit car BUT most of them are not the fast!!! Ya they have small blocks and big block 427s and 460's. Originals were cool in the "day" BUT as the expression goes "that was yesterday and yesterdays gone".. that almost sounds like a song :confused: :p ohh GOOD kill :biggrin:
Looking at the image, it has C4 'Vette suspension in the rear...half shafts are visible. Probably a pretty decent build.

It's a replica. You won't see a real one on the street, especially in traffic.

I can tell you that Cobra didn't have a GN engine in it :smile:
def a kit car BUT most of them are not the fast!!! Ya they have small blocks and big block 427s and 460's. Originals were cool in the "day" BUT as the expression goes "that was yesterday and yesterdays gone".. that almost sounds like a song :confused: :p ohh GOOD kill :biggrin:

I'd have to disagree with that some what Dan. Most of them are obviously kit cars but those kit car Cobra's if done correctly will trump what it costs to build a high dollar Buick.

Not fast? Most of them no buy my buddy has a red one with the 427 in it and it will give most cars on the road a run for their money. It's not ur average 427 but the car is super light and makes quite a bit of power. More power then a built TR? Not even close but still fast.
I'd have to disagree with that some what Dan. Most of them are obviously kit cars but those kit car Cobra's if done correctly will trump what it costs to build a high dollar Buick.

Not fast? Most of them no buy my buddy has a red one with the 427 in it and it will give most cars on the road a run for their money. It's not ur average 427 but the car is super light and makes quite a bit of power. More power then a built TR? Not even close but still fast.

ummmm get out of the house and go to the track and watch them race :eek: .. You will NOT be impressed. Ya I have seen maybe a couple in the high 11s up here at NED . Ya they are super light but that doesn't mean they can get it to the ground. Oh the majority of the ones at the track MPH'd around 110/120... really didn't impress me for the "power" they "SAID" there cars made. :p
Oh I did have an original "427" back in the late 70's.. dammm I am old:rolleyes:
they werent made for drag racing though lol. Good kill none the less though, looks like a clean car
Cool. Did you let him pull along side and gear down or just kick it with him behind you?