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The only thing faster than the speed of that car is how fast it will make someone's money disappear at a cost of between 2.5 and 3 million dollars. :eek:
The only thing faster than the speed of that car is how fast it will make someone's money disappear at a cost of between 2.5 and 3 million dollars. :eek:

i can't even imagine what it would cost just to do routine maintenance on one of those things. i recall that they said how much the tires for a regular Veyron cost when they tested one on Top Gear a couple of years ago, and it wasn't cheap...
Hmm...$1.6 Mil gets you to 253 mph in a "regular" Veyron...and double that figure gets your top speed 15 mph faster? :confused:

Suffice it to say that it has surpassed the point of diminishing returns...

BTW this was my favorite line in the article:
"The Super Sport, said Mr. Kruta, was built in response to customers who, incredibly enough, asked for a sportier version of the Veyron -- because, obviously, the Veyron was such a sissy cupcake of a car."

Who are these people? My guess (based on personal experience) is Saudi and Emirates royalty, for whom money truly is NO object, and whose egos are as big as their oil revenues.

Well for sure people with $3 Mil to spend on a car will never approach its limits...268 mph, lol...I bet they never even get driven on public roads :biggrin:
hello people; Now that car is outrageous. I once saw in person that Mclaren
F1 street car. The one where the driver sits in the middle and two seats on either side. I think that was a 1 mill. sticker on it. I was at NHIS and they brought it in in a closed trailer and just put it on display. I don't think they did the track thing with it but it was suppose to be fast as hell. But now I guess that's old school in the supercar stuff as it is a few years old.
This car is stupid for the money anyway. The only way you will ever even come close to that speed is on the VW test track. I would rather go 180 or even 150 in .25 of a mile (1320 ft).