WTB: 86 GN grill

Getting RARE
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1986 GN ,you know thats a one year one car grille ...not the same as 84 or 85 GN and not the same as regal or T-Type either
Fisher Body must of put a 86 GN Grill on my 85 T Type WH1 while going down the line .... I'm not seeing the differences.

Maybe there was a mess up. Seem different parts on different cars before!
Look at bars fins
Yup. The 85 grill has a fatter vertical bar ever 8th one. Thanks for the clarification !!! Learn something every day about these Turbo Buicks. I bought a backup grill about 4 years ago, now I'll have to dig it out of the attic and see if it's an 85 or 86. :unsure: