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XFI & XIM Help Needed!!


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Apr 12, 2005
Friends car has some XFI and XIM issues going on.

I will start from the beginning.

First the XIM would blow the 30amp fuse as soon as you turn the key to on. No cranking. Sent the XIM in to fast and it checked out good. Put it back in the car and disconnect crank and cam sensor. Fuse blows. Disconnect coil packs, fuse blows.
I'm thinking to myself...this really blows!
Finally... I figured out the wire harness that goes to the coils on the drivers side was smashed under the mounting bracket and 2 wires were touching.

This was installed by Otto.


Now that the XIM is fixed the next issue is the XFI. There is no crank,cam or points lights flashing during cranking. But the XIM show crank and cam signal?
There are also no injector lights flashing during cranking.

Here is a video of both boxes while cranking.

What can be going on here?

Thanks for any help provided!


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Do you have CAN cable connected between the XFI and the XIM? and have it CAN enabled?

Just a thought...

This car was working fine till the 30amp fuse blew.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Pro
I might be totally off base here, but the XIM and XFI communicate throught CAN plugs. The plug you aren't using has a Terminating Plug, that has a resistor. I wonder if that has popped?

It appears that your crank and cam sensors are working, but the communication isn't happening between the two.....

I did see 2 small connectors that were kind of squarish. How can I test these?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Pro
Good question on testing. Maybe call Fast Tech support? or pick up some new ones?

A CAN plug from your XIM should be connected into your XFI. and the other two termnials should be capped with the terminating plugs.

A CAN network allows different devices to communicte with each other. Each CAN-Enabled FAST™ device has a CAN plug and a CAN receptacle built into its wiring harness. Mate a plug from one device to the receptacle from another device. Devices can be directly linked or they can be connected through an interconnect cable. Multiple interconnect cables can be linked together for additional reach. A terminating resistor plug and receptacle are used to cap off the open ends of the CAN network wiring. These are necessary for proper network performance.
Are you running 2.0? If so, verify that it is enabled in the ecu configuration screen. You can test the resistors with an ohm meter.
I am out of town at an NMRA race. If you want, give me a call in the evening.

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