You know what grinds my gears

that's why you always- always- talk to the oldest guy in the building- the guy with grease under his fingernails that just carries himself like a guy who knows what he's talking about. he will generally be about 40 years old, have a mustache, and have a bunch of pens in his shirt pocket. most places have at least one of these guys, and if they don't go to the place across town that does.

also, avoid the chains whenever possible and go with a locally owned store where the owner and/or his wife are probably working the counter and- these places will usually be a little "grittier" than the chain stores.. NAPA and Carquest are the exceptions to this rule in this area. they are usually good.
we have the same sig....:)
Ahh BS. I turn 18 this September.. Maybe its the fact that I have 4 felonies pending..... Hmmmm
That alone pretty much sums it up. Maybe they also saw the condition of your GN, and figured "no deal". :D:p
Maybe while they tested you, you should have called the starter "that do dad that does stuff", the alternator the " spinny wheel thing" and pretended not to know what a carb is. Also, identify the spark plugs as "tiny lightning bolt generators"
I try to use NAPA exclusively. Less BS. Just make sure you request the Premium Line when ordering parts.

There used to be a NAPA near us in SoCal that was apparently run by rocket scientists... We called it NASA... (yes, I'm being sarcastic) When my wife has to correct the parts counter guys is when I have to chuckle.
The NAPA here burned down and is being rebuilt but it wasn't that good. The owner lived several hundred miles away and the person that managed it was the only one that knew what was going on. It was a total PITA to deal with them. New owner seems like he's got a head on his shoulders but I won't say for sure until it's open again.
NAPA is not perfect & they may not have every part for our older cars in stock, but its been rare that they have had to order a part for me. On those rare occasions the part arrived the next day. I just picked up an IAC & some other part that I can't recall now. I expected to have to order them but they were in stock.

NAPA is still better than most of the other big box stores. Just make sure that you request their premium line. They have a cheaper line to compete with the Autozones, etc. that I try to stay away from. NAPA's "Gold" filters are some of the best on the market.
